Ahnasha could not be happy with what they learned, but at least the encounter ended much better than it could have. There were still far too many unresolved questions for her liking, ones that would certainly end up bothering Fendros. She returned Fendros' hug until Rhazii started whining for attention between them, at which point she pulled away to sit down on the bed with Rhazii in her lap. "I'm sure you would have been fine, but if you were going to speak to your sister, it was probably best that she know about me. Perhaps it will make it a bit easier on her to know you have a family?" Ahnasha lifted Rhazii up to her chest, then laid down on her back and looked over out of the window at the sky above. "Why can't the sun hurry up and go down so we can get some rest. It's barely past noon" She said, letting out a fatigued sigh. --- "That...is not actually an easy question to answer." Meesei commented. It was not too many years ago that Meesei herself would not know what advice to give, though she had learned much more about cities in that time. The pair reached the inn, but instead of going inside immediately, Meesei leaned up against the side of the building, watching the crowds bustling through the outdoor section of the market. "Well, it is not only guards you can talk to, I should say. Anyone might be helpful, but anyone, including guards, could also want to swindle you out of what you have, or worse. It is not always easy to spot someone who is corrupt. Some of them you will know are acting strange as soon as you speak to them, but others are good actors. It helps just to be reasonably cautious with everyone you do not know. Be friendly, and grateful for their help, of course, but do not take risks. If you want to be safe, I would avoid actually following someone unless you really need to. As you saw with Llarasa, some people just want to help and mean you no harm. Actually, I would say _most_ people are like that, but there are some people who may try to lead you somewhere alone to rob you, or even worse than that. It is best to start out by just asking people for directions, and only ask for someone to guide you if that does not work. As for who to ask, guards are a good option, as I said. Beyond that, I would stick to people who you can see have jobs: dock workers, merchants, and so on. Anyone who has an honest, paying job will be less risky."