### Tony Tony was minding his own business when he felt two small arms wrap around his waist. He felt a head press against his back and stopped. A female voice said quietly, "Don't ask anything, please. Just... just, stay like that. Don't let that ghost get to me." Hart looked around, searching for the said "Ghost." He hoped that there actually was a ghost and that there wasn't an insane girl holding on to him for dear life. Tony was relieved to see that there actually was a ghost and Kat was in fact sane. Hart moved as non-suspiciously as he could with Kat still behind him until they were out of sight. "The ghost can't see you now," Hart said in attempt to sooth the girl. He turned around to see a very short and petite girl. He grinned, "I'm Tony, and you can use me to hide anytime you want," he said jokingly, giving her a thumb's up. "I take it you don't like ghosts?" He asked.