Fendros sat down by Ahnasha and removed his shoes. It didn't seem like he would be walking around the city today after all. That would have to wait. "I think she may have been more excited than she let on about being an aunt. Honestly I'm glad it was her that we ran into and not mother or father." Fendros laid down as well and put his hands behind his head, "...Or Monderyn, now with what he's become." Though he wasn't especially tired as Ahnasha was, Fendros got up and drew the drapes at the window closed to stop some of the light. "You can take a nap if you like. Rhazii's just had a sleep, but I can keep him occupied. Its not as if I can do much else today." --- As the day progressed, Sabine asked more questions of Meesei as they arose. She ended the day feeling a bit less worried about cities than she had been, though it was sad to hear about all the dishonest types that she would have to keep an eye out for. To say that she was streetwise was a lie, but she could at least handle herself as if she wasn't born yesterday. Without much gold, there really wasn't much else to do in the city, but Janius was still willing to guide the pack around to the unexplored parts and lead Meesei to the university for the afternoon. Fendros was true to his word and stayed in his room for the rest of the day. Any disappointment he had was offset my a determination not to put Llarasa in any danger. His presence at the rooms at least meant that he could keep an eye on Leaps and Rhazii, where Rhazii was not being carried by Ahnasha. Dinner was light for the pack that night. Despite the savings gained by the haggling for Sabine's ingredients, their shoestring budget could only afford them basic meals. To Fendros, though, it was worth it, as Sabine was able to refill their empty remedy bottle with a new batch that night, and they could both sleep soundly. For the most part. During their secluded dinner, Fendros shared everything about their encounter with Llarasa with Meesei, being sure to let her know that Llarasa does not know of the pack's travel plans. Fendros and Ahnasha were woken up during the night by Rhazii's small cries, but this time it was different. It was not especially late. He wasn't hungry or in need of burping, he was disturbed by sounds that both Ahnasha and Fendros could both hear now. A muffled pair of shouting voices was sounding from another room. It was made intermittent by the sound of feet stomping. Fendros and Ahnasha awoke enough to soothe Rhazii, but eventually, Fendros rose to his elbows. The voices were familiar. "Ahna," Fendros whispered with some concern, "I think that's Llarasa and Monderyn." They barely had a chance to discuss their next course of action before a door in the hallway slammed open and sure footsteps approached their door. There were three solid knocks on their door that prompted them to rise. Fendros decided to get up and obscure himself behind the door in a corner, out of sight of what was probably Monderyn. Fendros whispered again, "If he doesn't go away, try to talk him away." There were three more knocks. "Fendros. Open the door." A low voice demanded.