APP, Criticism welcomed Organization //////Name of Organisation: Fel' Surveyor Company /////Emblem: [img][/img] ////Alignment and Type: Nuetrail, Pro-hegemony, Frontier Corporation ////Leadership and Structure: (the leader/leaders of the organization and its command structure) - Fel'Drak: Master Surveyor - Fel'Klin: Hunt-Master - Master Surveyor(Survey Branch Leader) --> Head Surveyor(Survey Ship Leader) --> Major Surveyor(Surveyor Squad Leader) --> Minor Surveyor - Hunt-Master(Hunter Branch Leader) --> Hunt-Lead(Hunting Ship Leader) --> Hunt-Major(Hunting Squad Leader) --> Hunt-Minor ///Base(s) of Operations: Fel' Mobile Survey Outpost, orbiting the recently setteled world of Eldrich IV. It serves as a refueling and briefing station for the Hunt Ships. //Assets: - 1 Re-purposed Research Station - 7 Re-purposed Heavy Cruisers(Large lumbering transports of the company. Each holds a Survey/Hunter Company, of which several atmospheric transport and cargo craft dock in. Each ship is largely self-sufficient and facilitates and trains its own crew.) - 500 G-V3200 Atmospheric Transports (Clunky Heavy Transports, fits 16 or so kK'Rash hunters with their equipment, or foregone seats to be used as dedicated LO-to-Surface Cargo Vessels. Won't outrun much, but thick exterior plating protect it from moderate flak. That said requires escort fighters if it expects any trouble) - 800 A-V0420 Light Intercepter Craft (Boxy escort fighters from a bygone era. Heavier armor and higher fire power than its more modern counterparts in exchange for maneuverability. Meant to stick close to cruisers and repel boarding parties and strafing runs) - 1200 zZ'Krat Land Scouts (The cooperation a main ground transport. These hardy half-trucks quickly transverse harsh terrain while seating 8 w/ equipment. These are typically used as the primary squad transport vehicles. - 3200 zZ'Srax Light Speeder (Personal scouting vehicle, the original Hegemony gravity bike design was redesigned into this sleek speed demon, weight was cut down in exchange for some safety features. Additionally some extra storage compartments were added for extended survey and scout missions.) - 800 B-V2134 Mobile Lodge (Serves as surface-side outposts to refit and communicate with Hunter/Survey teams. These outposts sport lodgings for 32 inhabitants as well as small kitchen, messhall and common area. Of course Hunters and Surveyors are not expected to stay long. - 4500 Surveyors - 8000 Hunters - 63000 Misc. Personal (Engineers, Captains, Janitors, transport personel, Pilots etc.) - 4500 "Ship Guard" (Personal equipped to defend the Cruisers and outpost from pirates and other opportunists on their way to a trade station.) Technology consists of past-generation tech: military hand-me-downs, re-built ships, junk-yard projects, antique weaponry(family heirlooms). Nothing state of the art just rugged, tried and tested technology that is known to get the job done. Computers and communications are basic, same as the ships and weaponry. /History of the Organisation: Created by 2 Kk'rahsi brothers over 75 years ago to map out and exploit the feral worlds of the outer-colonies. Their roots began when brothers arrived on the Feral World, Eldrich IV. They hunted local super-fauna and sold the carcasses to a nearby trade outposts. Their exploits reached others, and many hunters and settlers begun converging on Eldrich IV. The brothers created the company as it is now to organize hunts on the larger animal species as well as provide maps and information to newcomers(at a price of course.) Their company gained renown as hardy pioneers and expert hunters. The guild recieved contracts [from other organizations] to work other worlds. These contracts varied from simple survey missions, trapping gigs, pioneer consultants or guards, and on rare occasion, mass-extinction projects. In time their wealth grew and their contracts spanned many worlds, culminating into what they are now. Extra: "None so keen at the hunting of wolves as the dog with wolf blood." AKA The people you hire to make a world safe for habitation without having to glass the shit. --------- Species //////Name of Species: Kk'rashsi /////Home Planet/System: Kk'rash (Isidon III), Jol'rash System (Isidon System) ////Appearance of Species: [img][/img] Species is reptilian in nature as depicted, stands on average between 6 to 7 feet, slightly taller than the average human, but their physiology isn't curtailed to brute strength. They are predominantly slender and dexterous with enough strength to get the job done, they are a hunters not warriors; you kill a lot more beasts if you outsmart and outmaneuver them rather getting injured dueling one. Stamina and perception is the trademark of the species, not ruthless ferocity. ///Cultures/civilizations: Kk'rash consists of multiple large "tribes"(City-States), under the Jol'Rashma, a perceived avatar of the sun god, and leader of its people. The tribes are mostly independent, the god-king acting as a guiding and unifying force. While the species has made recent technological advances, hunting is still a revered and sacred pastime to the point that much of the planet is considered "holy-sites" left pristine and feral to be hunted. //Native Ecosystem: Much of the world consists of tropical or temperate woodlands, but distinct mountains, tundras, and deserts exist with their own native fauna and flora. The super-fauna, considered holy and a great honor to hunt and kill, have adapted to their respected ecosystems and reach an upwards of 20 to 30 feet. /History of Species: For much of their history the cities remained in pre-industrial tech levels. It wasn't until a Rashma came down from the heavens proclaiming the will of the Jol. He united his people under a confederacy, enacting technological advancements such as agriculture, industry and research. While hunting is no longer the primary form of sustenance, it is still revered and practiced vehemently. While tribe cultures vary, one thing is consistent throughout, the importance of the hunt. Designated "holy-sites" around the world remain pristine and feral, where the individual cultures send their boys to become men. These "holy-sites" differ in climate and terrain, and each city-state have developed to hunt the creatures near them. Just under a century ago, Hegemony ships made first contact in what was seen as the golden-age of the kK'Rashi. The god-king said to have prophesied their coming and saw the newcomers as Messengers of the Great One (an updated version of the archaic Sun God). The kK'Rashi welcomed the ships with open arms taking the new tech and gifts in stride; when word of other un-colonized feral worlds reached the youth of Kk'rash, many left for the honor, prestige and wealth that new hunting grounds will contain. Extra: Despite appearances the KK'Rash are omnivores, the reason the introduction of agriculture was important to their ascension. Scales provide a modicum of protection from scratches and bruises from small to medium prey animals. Their claws are able weapons, capable of ripping and rending unprotected flesh. ----- Character(WIP)(Actually what do i put here? Company head, company grunt, misc. species member?) //////Name: /////Species: ////Appearance: ///Affiliations: (organizations or local systems they affiliate to, if applicable) //Assets: (Personal gear) /Biography: Extra: ----- Lore (WIP) (generic app type for things that don't fit in with the core categories, like for instance making a culture, historical event, a planet and so on) ///Name: //Type: /Information: Extra: