The face that Ahnasha beheld was held forward. Even Monderyn's dark Dunmer skin did not hide the fury in his complexion. He had a rounder face than Fendros, but the same eyes and hair, save for a clean shaven face, as well as a similar height. His fists were clenched at his sides. His standing position only lasted for a fraction of a second. He didn't let Ahnasha finish her sentence before he rushed forward to the gap in the door and forced his way through. His speed and momentum threw Ahnasha off balance before she could react. She could barely but keep her balance by hanging onto the doorknob before Monderyn threatened her throat with a shiny dagger and forced her against a wall. It was unmistakably silver. "So you're the one who took-ulk!" Monderyn wasn't able to finish either. In the dim light it was hard to spot, but the furred silhouette was unmistakable as it picked Monderyn up and pinned him against another wall. Fendros forced Monderyn's weapon arm against the stone with one clawed arm, and pinned his other shoulder with an elbow, letting him get close enough that Monderyn could feel his brother's breath on his face. Fendros' slow growl formed words that were understandable even if they were spoken in a different language, "Drop the blade." Monderyn bared his teeth and struggled, his movements separated by fearful whimpers. Even so, it was clear that he was just as angry as he was afraid. He meekly kicked at Fendros' torso, but he didn't have the space or leverage to have any affect. "Drop. The. Blade." Fendros repeated, hesitating before adding, "...Brother." Monderyn's struggles halted, but he kept breathing fast and his expression remained the same. The tings of the silver dagger were heard on the ground as he released it. "You attacked my love, you hurt Llarasa, you abandoned the family to look for me when I told you not to come looking." Fendros was struggling to make out the words past his own fury. "You abandoned us!" Monderyn hissed back, spitting out the next word, "Brother. You and that whore cat wrecked the famil-aaah!" Fendros squeezed Monderyn against the wall for his words. "I should kill you now. You have caused too much suffering." One of Fendros' flat ears turned involuntarily as Rhazii began to cry again. He was in such a blind rage that the sound brought him briefly back to reality. It caused him to hesitate before acting further.