Name: Roku Takumi Alias: Kuroi Age: 24 Gender: Male Skills: Master of Kenjutsu (the art of the Katana and Wakizashi), Blackbelt in shotokan karate, Master of traditional Zui Quan (Drunken fist), Extensive training with the Shaolin monks, Powers: Healing Factor (not as good as wolverines but still effective in combat), Advanced motor function, enhanced strength and speed. Equipment (Doesn’t have to be weapons): A Katana and Wakizashi made from an alloy that is secret to the Japanese government. Its a bit more durable than titanium. Personality: Reserved, quiet, when he does speak he's very soft spoken, his attitude towards people is often hard to read but truth be told he can be a ruthless killer when he needs to. Weakness: Pain, everything still hurts him as much as it normally would which can be devastating in battle... Think about getting punched by someone with super strength...yeah he would heal rapidly... That doesn't keep him from going unconscious from the pain. Hero or Villain: Hero History: Roku wasn't born, Roku was made. Wolverine had become well known amongst the governments of the world as weapon X, Japan in secret sought to make a superior form of the weapon X, Code name: Roku. Roku was given the ability to heal and survive practically anything, however in his creation he was finished growing in a machine at what would be considered about 12 for a normal boy, he already knew how to speak and do most things thanks to the machine. After a few weeks of testing he was submitted for training, over the next 16 long grueling years he was trained traditionally in all the art styles that he now knows, he was trained by masters who loved and cared for the boy, but Roku was constantly reminded by the government that he was property, telling him that the only reason he was allowed to train with his masters was because that's what the government wanted for him. Often they would come to oversee his progress and slowly but surely with time Roku began to despise them. Then when the time came and his masters had nothing left to teach him, The people who supposedly owned him came to retrieve him and for fear of seeing the men who raised him slain, Roku went with them peaceably. They tested him without pause and he passed everything they could throw at him. Roku obeyed every order without fail and it would have continued in that way if they hadn't given him an order that was directly against the mans honorable lifestyle... They had ordered the death and destruction of a small village to the south that had discovered the mining operation in which Roku's swords were created, the order was to slaughter every single person, man, woman and child. Roku went to the village alone and then without a word cut the tracker out of his stomach and took off. Roku would then flee the country and run to america where he attempted to live a normal life as an immigrant, on the streets of new York, however he started a heroing career when he witnessed a mugging and no one lifted a finger to do anything. Roku snapped the mans arm in three places and threatened to end his miserable life. It was then that Roku took up work as a Hero/Bounty hunter. Appearance: ![enter image description here]( "enter image title here") Other: Roku has solid black eyes and because of this he wears contacts to make him look normal, other than that he hopes that new York can stand "**united**" against all foes.