"You're crazy Rob! You can't just go back there!" "I gotta see our handy work! They'll never see me!" Silence, then a sigh. "One of these days you're going to meet your match, and I won't be there to save your ass." "Glad we're on the same page. I'll see you later." Robin Hood was dressed in a large coat, his uniform underneath... but if he was going to walk around the place he just robbed, he didn't want to walk around in a green hoodie. He smiled a bit as the police was surrounding the place, asking questions, and he saw Mister Taylor screaming at the top of his lungs. He guessed he found out that he just lost a lot of his money for a good cause. He then saw Marian, his heart melting a bit at the sight of her, but that soon changed when he saw that Edward was walking right with him. He wondered if he persisted he walk her home, or it was demanded by someone. Either way, he was going to follow right after them, but at a distance of course. He would take detours in alley ways, hide behind cars, doing things that wouldn't get him spotted. The more this Edward guy talked, the more angry he got. He didn't care one bit about her... She was obviously cold! then he got the idea. The only thing he took from Edward was his watch, he probably had a lot more goodies in his pockets... He decided to take the moment where Edward tied his shoe to get a head start on them... When they started walking again, he started walking towards them casually, walking in between the two, and after a second, he called out after them. "Excuse me! Sir!" Rob called out to them. they turned. "I think you dropped something!" Robin said, keeping his head down, but holding up the watch Robin stole earlier that night. Edward raised his eyebrows in suspicion, and then looked down at his wrist. "How did it...?" Robin walked forward. "It's a very nice watch, Mister Taylor. Have any more goodies?" he asked casually, and before he could reply, in his other hand a knife was pointed only at Edward. He wore his black handkerchief over his mouth, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "you're-You're Robin Hood!" He exclaimed. "Ah, glad to see the money your daddy put in your education paid off." Robin Hood said sarcastically. "Can you please empty out your pockets?" he glanced over at Marian, still shivering and giving him a weird look. Maybe she was connecting that Mister Smith and him were the same people. He gave a sigh and looked back at Edward. He picked up his wallet, pulling out the bills, and tossing the rest back on to the ground. He kept his silver lighter, his watch, and look at his phone. With a few presses of the buttons he shut the phone off, and handed it back to him. "You're such a gentlemen too, Eddy." Robin took off his coat, handing it to Marian with a nod. "A thicker jacket just for you." He turned his attention back to Edward. "Now, since you have no idea how to keep a conversation, haven't had the decency to give her your coat, and rambled on and on about your 'exciting life', I think its only fair that Miss Anderson decides who walks her home." Robin said glaring at him, but then looking at her softly. "Don't worry about hurting feelings here. We're big boys. We can take rejection." Rob had a twinkle in his eye as he said that, a grin formed behind his handkerchief.