So I have a HUGE idea of a Noragami roleplay! Tell me what you guys think about this and I'll get it set up tomorrow. If you do not know what Noragami is it is a manga transformed into an anime (like almost all manga's). If we're to do this we'll follow the manga because there is more information to it. I will give a short (and horrible) summery of Noragami, not up to the most recent chapter though if you want to read it I will leave a link after my summery. Noragami is about a jersey wearing boy who claims to be a god. One day he is saved by a human girl named Hiyori Iki who upon saving the god, who says his name is Yato, looses her human body from time to time and goes into a half-phantom form. Yato takes on Hiyori's five yen wish that he fixes her back to her normal form. A few weeks later Hiyori tries to help Yato find a new Shinki (the one he had before he met Hiyori quit) but instead Hiyori finds a actual phantom. Upon running away from the phantom Yato comes across a pure soul and makes that his shinki whom he names Yukine. The three of them continue to have amazing and hilarious adventures. Here's important links that you may want. [Shinki/Regalia](