"If Batche were ok with that plan, it may not be the worst idea. Saying we are delivering her to a land on the opposite side of the area could explain our path of travel. As for explaining myself, simply saying I am a hired healer should prove sufficient. It is not uncommon for clerics to accompany trade caravans to care for any sick or injured. In fact, with Deva being formed as opposed to born. I could pose as a newly reborn Deva of Ilmater, given my armor by the church so that I might survive the journey to a holy site where I might serve. It fits what people know of the Deva and I could still act as myself, I would just have to make sure I don't speak of life experiences from more than perhaps a couple months ago." Eranah chimed in, glad that she was not an angel of a good of truth, that would have made this all much harder really. At this point she went back to her drawing, taking in the praise as she continued. "Thank you, art is something I've always enjoyed and been good at. From all I've seen and read it seems to be a common trait in us. Down to what we draw and how we draw it. I can't say I mind, it is a very relaxing thing." While he mentioned more technical aspects of his art she preferred to think of the content and overall elegance and beauty of the piece. "I'm pulling from the memory of my creation. It was a holy site of Ilmater, a town had formed around it over the years. The sick, ailing, and oppressed tended to go there in order to try and find help. Many found it there, few did not. It was a place of hope and healing, rather natural I would appear there." She explained, wanting to help him focus less on the how and more on the why of what she was doing.