Monderyn was incredulous. This Argonian, this *lizard,* was halting his path and ordering him around. He tried to reach across to Meesei's shoulder and shove her out of his way, "I have no business with the likes of you." The attempt was short lived, as expected. For the most part, Fendros was silent in the exchange between Meesei and Monderyn. He was just focussed on comforting Rhazii. It took failing again to get past Meesei for Monderyn to begrudgingly back off and stand opposite Fendros. By this point, Ahnasha had taken Rhazii into her own arms and tried opening up the discussion in lieu of Fendros and Monderyn's silent tension. Fendros' response was to place an arm on Ahnasha's forearm to quieten her. "Ahna. It's okay." Fendros slowly raised his head to meet Monderyn's eyes. He was still cross, but he didn't look like he was going to explode anymore. "I can't understand you, Fendros. You could have come back." Monderyn started, this time with less venom. Fendros let a few seconds pass before responding. "Maybe not after I was infected, you know that much. But after I gained control, I could have come back, you're right." Monderyn did not break the stare between them. "Why? Are you truly in love with this...Khajiit?" "Yes." Fendros answered simply. "You hate Khajiits, though. You hate them and you hate Argonians, and Orcs,'re like father in that way..." "No, Monderyn, you are mistaken. I didn't hate any of them. I simply did not understand them. I took out my ignorance by slurring them. If anything, I've seen hate from you that you do not have the wisdom to justify. Even father knew what the beast races were since slavery was outlawed." It was now that Monderyn broke eye contact, crossing his arms and sighing. "That doesn't change that they are inferior. Savage. Unrefined. Just like your new Daedra. Have you forgotten the Reclamations as well?" Fendros took a deep breath through his nose. "Monderyn, I have learned a lot in the past year about what savagery is and how the races are different. I learned that morality isn't always a matter of the civilisation they live in. Ahnasha and Meesei are incredibly kind and wise. I would pick them as friends and companions before many Dunmer I have met in life. As for Hircine. He is a patron, but he is not a being I am a reverent fanatic of. I still pray to the Reclamations occasionally." Fendros narrowed his eyes, "I could ask you to justify your own actions in comparison to savagery. Why did you hurt Llarasa?" That made Monderyn twitch uncomfortably. He shifted so he wasn't facing Fendros, barely able to face him. "That was an accident. I was angry. She came too close when I was...when I was tipping over our shrine to our ancestors." Monderyn swallowed hard. He appeared to be hiding some remorse at least. "Tell me what was running through your head at the time." Fendros held a serious face still. He had much more control now. Monderyn looked at the curtained window. "I missed you. I...didn't know to feel, so I just became angry. That's all I could do. I couldn't find you, I couldn't contact you, I couldn't do anything. It was frustrating." Monderyn's head bowed forward. "It sounds like you were upset," Fendros commented. Monderyn shook his head. "No, I had to be strong. I couldn't grieve. Father didn't grieve. We had to keep the winery going." "Did father really not grieve?" "He..." Monderyn had to stop and think, "He just...stopped feeling. He didn't even get angry unless I mentioned you, was just to tell me to be quiet. He thought that if I forgot about you, that we could continue. I couldn't forget. Not with what I knew. I couldn't tell him, though." "Llarasa didn't deserve to be hurt by your anger." "I know!" Monderyn tightened up, "I'm sorry! I said to her that I was sorry! It was your fault! It was your fault that you left and gave me burden of not knowing where you were, why you would never be back!" "Monderyn..." Fendros tried to stop him while he escalated. "I could hardly think because I was worried and angry at the same time!" "Monderyn." "I couldn't even pretend you were dead." "Monderyn!" Fendros' brother was finally silent. Fendros continued calmly, "What do you need from me?" Monderyn looked to one side, but sighed and gave up, lowering his arms. "...I don't know." Fendros didn't exactly know the answer himself. There was another silence, at which point Sabine and Janius peeked into the room. Janius whispered to Meesei, "Is everything okay?" Sabine, after taking a quick look in Fendros and Ahnasha's room, crept back to Monderyn and Llarasa's room, where Llarasa was still crying. With a blank face, but a gentle demeanour, Sabine approached Llarasa and hugged her. Llarasa surprised at first, but didn't seem to mind. It was all Sabine could do to return the favour for helping her today.