The Academy Those were the two words you heard before you were taken into custody, but with their tools they made everyone pretty much forget your existence. You've never been normal, but when you got to the place something happened... You wake up in your dorm room which you share with someone you don't even know, and around your arm is a combination tracking device and personal computer. It directs you to attend the assembly, it's time for them to tell you what's going on... Alright, this is going to be a sort of magic school Rp. Not all of the people will be magic, it doesn't matter use you imagination. Everyone here could pass as human, and they are assigned to dorms due to their ability types. Just use the Cs below and post it in the pic to be evaluated. Then if I agree you can move it too the cs page. Please help me, I'm not the most experienced Gm so... Anyway, here goes my attempt at lore. [hider=Das Rules] No godemodeing, cheating, favoritism, ecs.. Dont make your char to op. Please use an anime picture if possible, it helps me get into it. Please wait two other posts before you post, it makes it a bit easier or people trying to catch up. I'd prefer it if you stuck to things of urban legend, myth, and older books. I'd be willing to except a Murlock or one of the creatures from the island of Dr. Mourou but I won't except things that are tied to any copyrighted works from the 20 years. Or things that would bite us in the ass should we try to publish it. And finally, please have fun and try to participate. [/hider] [hider=Lore] The dorms: Faust: - The magic human people, where psychics and games exist alongside those with such gifts as telepathy. This is the place for pretty much anyone who can pass as human in their natural form. - Color: Purple Roswell: - This is the house where extraterrestrial life is put if it is deemed intelligent and worthy of the school. They tend to have other body types and are provided with devices to reconfigure their philosophy. - Color: Green Lycos: - This is the house where are placed those who's main form is that of a mythical beast. Many of them can change their form themselves, but similar devices as those from Roswell are given to those that can't. - Color: Red [/hider] [hider=CS] [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Theme Song:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Gender[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Race:[/b] [b]Powers:[/b] [b]Skills:[/b] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [b]Hobbies:[/b] [/hider]