Nyshara walked with katana in hand, the only light she had to guide her was the sigils that glowed softly above her head. In the distance she hear voices, and saw a crackling fire. Could this be the group she was looking for? She decided to stay back for a bit to observe the group before making herself known, and she was able to see that there seemed to be some kind of in fighting with a member of the group. She was witness to the whole event, but it seemed to her that she had found who she was looking for. Nyshara sheathed her sword, and approached the group holding up her hands to show she means no harm to them. "I'm Nyshara Moondancer, and I am looking for a man by the name of Korick. Is he among you? I was sent word that he is in need of aid. If you are not who I seek then I will be on my way without any trouble." She looked over the group, and saw an eclectic bunch was in front of her.