Argurios turned around. And there he saw three village People hanging dead on the wall. The whole image stunned him. He sat down beside Brisa. He knew these people. They came to his father more than once. Though he didn't know them personally, still the pain of losing someone was there. He was thought to be kind and love everyone in the village. The Farm boy never underwent any training of anything that was not connected to a peaceful Farm life. He sat there for a moment. He saw death for the first time and this was a cruel death. Though he was listening to everything he didn't react for couple of seconds. Then he stood up, he couldn't take his eyes of the body's. "I would be glad to help" He said with a monotone voice. And like he was in he slowly walked towards the wall. Slowly he grabbed each body and pulled it grem from the wall and laid it on the ground. Every time a body was pulled free from the wall more blood gashed out a sound like scratching meat with a nail, could be heard. Argurios didn't notice it. He was in shock and the one thing in his head was to get the body's of the wall. His mind was somewhere else. Looking like a robot and ignorant to his suroundings Argurios pulled the body's free. Now as they may on the ground he picked two of them up. Each on one of the shoulders. He didn't notice the blood on his hands or the blood on his tunic. He turned to Brisa with a lifeless expression. "Where do I put them?" He asked, waiting on further orders from the small girl. His head was incapable of its own thoughts. Still in shock and closed to everything around his only escape from collapsing was to follow someone else.