Telegram to: The Ereatian Empire I would like to personally thank you for your cooperation with our delegation, and for the continued transparency you've shown about this issue. The Ventian people sympathize with your cause, we have had a turbulent past but those times are gone now and soon the issue of Colongo will pass.  As a token of gratitude for your continued openness, I am extending the hand of alliance to your nation, and will henceforth proclaim a guaranty that the Ventian people will stand by yours and support you in your efforts to make your nation a safer, better nation. And what I mean by that is, I have five thousand troops ready to be deployed into Colongo for policing, consider it a start to a long and fruitful friendship. Yours, HIM, SC, Tsar Voltus Ventus. Present Day, Frigerré, Northern Mining City. Felicity huffed a strand of hair from her face as she packed up her things. The conference had gone nowhere quick, she was surrounded by idiots who wouldn't know how to get something if it were handed to them, slipping the trade license into her briefcase she left the paper strewn room. Walking through the hallways she found that all of the delegations had left, that is until she walked into the main attrium and found the Ereatian representative, looking at some pieces of equipment that were on display, checking her watch Felicity found it was 12:30AM.  "Staying late are we?" she mused, she was about to leave but decided against, "I'm affraid I didn't see you at the meeting." she called from the other end of the atrium. Looking down at her watch she shrugged internally, 'got another half an hour before the airship gets here.' Approaching the Ereatian Felicty stood by them, "that's a blasting rig," she explained, looking at the scale model, "drills into a surface then lays dynamite."