Organization [b]Name of Organisation:[/b] The Solar Brotherhood [img][/img] [b]Alignment and Type:[/b] Terrorist, Anti-Hegemony, Corporation Affiliated [b]Leadership and Structure:[/b] [list] [*]The Solar Council- 50 members [*]Regional Strategists- 1000 personnel [*]Cell leaders- ~10,000 [*]Cell operatives- ~289,000[/list] [b]Base(s) of Operations:[/b] The operation bases of Freedom Solar are as numerous as there are planets. Wherever there are humans to be found there is almost always a Freedom operations cell. Whether this be a back-room in a space station, an abandoned factory in the slums of a city, or the meeting room of a wealth trading company, Solar members operate from whatever is needed at the time. A central location is built into an asteroid in the Solar System's asteroid belt, hidden among the other many millions of rock so as to avoid detection. [b]Assets:[/b] The assets available to the Solar Brotherhood varies from day to day depending on events. Some cells can find themselves with surplus military weapons and advanced electronics while other cells could be reduced to nothing but communicators and personal data pads. On average, though, the Brotherhood remains well-funded for an organization of its type due to connections with corporations. The Asteroid Belt Station Combination of out-dated and state-of-the-art weaponry and vehicles, most leaning towards the former. [list] [*]4 Patrol Cruisers- heavily modified for stealth and cargo capacity [*]15 Mining Vessels- Loaned by various corporations with human supremacist ties, most are older models [*]22 small cargo ships- Same as the mining vessels above. [*]~300,000 members [*]One stolen Frigate-class vessel- Armed with various extra weapons, this is the only true combat-capable vessel owned by the Brotherhood[/list] [b]History of the Organisation:[/b] Under Construction Extra: Under Construction --- //////Name of Species: /////Home Planet/System: (information on where their species comes from) ////Appearance of Species: ///Cultures/civilizations: (Native civilizations/cultures of the species) //Native Ecosystem: (Anything about the ecosystem in terms of flora and fauna of note. This section is optional) /History of Species: (History of the species from evolutionary modernity to present day; hegemony contact is a given) Extra: --- Character //////Name: /////Species: ////Appearance: ///Affiliations: (organizations or local systems they affiliate to, if applicable) //Assets: (Personal gear) /Biography: Extra: Lore (generic app type for things that don't fit in with the core categories, like for instance making a culture, historical event, a planet and so on) ///Name: //Type: /Information: Extra: