Tim's shouting startled Sophia and she tried to gently shush him. She didn't know who else might be around here, but she didn't want anyone to come complain about noise. She understood Tim's fear, however, and was certainly freaked out about it herself. Still, someone out of the two of them had to be calm and it certainly wasn't going to be Tim. Sophia was beginning to worry that he might have another panic attack. She was worried if he did, given that his apartment was the one place he really felt safe. Then she thought back to last night and how calm Tim seemed to be even as they held hands. Hoping that she could give Tim some feeling of safety and comfort, Sophia caught both of Tim's hands with hers and laced their fingers together so they were holding hands. She drew him away from the kitchen and to the living room where she sat him down on the couch with his back to the tunnel so he wouldn't have to look at it. She, however, could see it over his shoulder and she kept an eye on the strange tunnel that didn't belong. "It's alright, Tim," Sophia told him, her voice soft and gentle as she spoke. "It'll be alright. Don't focus on the tunnel, ok? Focus on me. Just look at me. It'll be alright." For a moment Sophia fell silent as she tried to think of what to say next. Finally she had her words in order and she continued on, "Remember last time at the park? Afterwards when we were here and you said we'd look back at it later and wonder why we were even freaking out in the first place? It's going to be the same thing. I promise. You'll look back on this later and wonder why you were so upset. Because you want to know what that tunnel in your kitchen means, Tim? It means [i]magic exists.[/i] It exists! So we can handle this one of two ways: One, we can go through that tunnel like we did last time and investigate more, or two, we can just wait for it to disappear. It should eventually disappear anyway, seeing as all the others disappeared before." Sophia sounded more confident than she felt, although she did feel some excitement growing within her. Because magic existed! It was definitely crazy and kind of spooky, but still! How many other people in their entire lives ever experienced something like this? she wondered.