Toriand'r had only been a part of this young justice team for around a month now, Since her arrival from New Tamaran to Earth it has been a learning curve with a lot to adapt and get used to. The first milestone was to understand and speak the native language of this planet. It was an amusing situation that happened within the first day of arrival when she was originally Sponsored by Starfire, An honour which words could not describe but upon that day she arrived. Toriand'r remembered it well and it was also to Starfire's amusement that the young Tamaran was had her interest caught by this boy before she arrived at the new HQ, She could not understand what he was saying but he sounded overconfident and sure of himself, interesting traits to her but she had a lot to learn as the guy was bigging it up he could have any girl he wanted and none good resist his amazing charm. Well the teen had to learn the language and he interested her enough for Toriand'r to go up to the guy and in front of his mates within an instant gave the guy a deep passionate kiss on the lips which had them all speechless. After she broke of the kiss and began walking off he bragged for a moment before ordering her to come back to him and that she could not resist him along with speaking of not minding trying a little Alien, But unfortunately for him, she already learn and understood the language completely and he was not interesting any more and was boring her with his demands. He went to grab her so she would stop walking of and in an instant she used his momentum while grabbing his arm and throwing him around her to the floor using her leg before pinning him to the ground with her free arm, despite his efforts and protests he could not move. [b]"I am a Tamarean, I am physically stronger than you so don't bother trying.[/b]" She paused watching him with amusement. [b]"You do not interest me, You are a boring individual who only thinks of himself, A dishonourable trait, I only kissed you to learn one of the many languages of this world. Now go back to your friends."[/b] Toriand'r finish lifting him up to his feet before shoving him away making him almost lose balance and looking like an idiot in front of his friends. By this point Starfire stepped in to calm everything and get the young teen to the HQ. Although that was the best part of a month ago, It still amused her often when she thought about it, She so could've kissed some one better than him. Still some things did change as Starfire had to move on with bigger responsibilities for her people leaving the now named with the alias of Starbolt was sponsored by Wonder Woman and she was being a big influence on Starbolt but still it was hard to get out of Tamarans often, Toriand'r was different in unique ways that yes she had the same golden like leather skin but her eyes were blue and not green and her power reflected that to. The exotic teen was still learning about the culture and ways of this world and something is often confused or miss understood some of the ways people do things but she was learning.. Slowly. At the moment though she was walking with two individuals called Damita, A half Kryptonian and Ditto who apparently came from the planet Cargg. Starbolt had been watching Ditto in his training and to say she was impressed with his skills and of course a power to duplicate oneself is surely no easy task she would of thought, But something he appeared to do well. On the way to the lounge the later spoke up asking how they were finding it and listened as Damita spoke up, the conversation made her smile a bit, she was excited and curious at the same time. [b]" I don't think either of us qualify as kids Kilian"[/b] Tori responded, that was a nickname she was given by some in the group. [b]"But I think things are going okay. Still don't understand half of the cultures on this world, there is much to learn and enjoy but I like it here."[/b] She added while walking with the pair to the lounge.