The cat reached a hand back to scratch at his neck as he considered the frog's words. "Well, uh I went from walking on four legs to two legs, so any sort of motion that tops that tends to be a bit impressive--" He coughed into a fist and stopped himself. "Brings me to the slums?" He repeated, evidently confused. He placed his hands on his hips and glanced around, surveying his surroundings. He winced, then chewed his lower lip in contemplation. "It certainly does appear to be a slum, now you mention it. huh." He murmured. He gave an exaggerated shrug. "Just kinda... dropped in, I guess. I was in a really, really big hurry and cast a teleportation spell, without any particular thought for any actual destination. Quite foolish, that. It could have ended in oh so many bad ways. To name a few, one possibility was me getting trapped in another plane of existence, or, another fun one, getting spewed all over that wall there like the insides spurted out of a crushed tomato--" He once again fake coughed, clearly realizing he was perhaps going a bit too into detail. He turned his head downwards to examine the wounded man. "He doesn't look particularly loaded. Especially unlikely, given this is a slum, come to think of it." He pondered out loud. He blinked. "Well, what are you waiting for? He's only going to be unconscious for so long." He laughed, perhaps a bit worryingly amused by the prospect.