Dark Solar Studios Q1 Winter, 1990 HQs: Hannover, Germany (DE) $1,650,000 (was $2,900,000) --- [b]Mercenary: Romus Vindictus Marketed[/b] Dark Solar Studios second game, announced only three months ago, is currently in development. In the vein of many fighting games, combat will be an integral part of [i]Mercenary[/i]. Bringing a more table-top feel than most other games, Dark Solar hopes to appeal to all audiences in this release. Using the world created in [i]War of Ancients[/i] as a basis, the game features a large area to explore and discover, from towns to bandit camps and Roman forts. Available only for the PC, it will also feature a map editor so that players can create their own adventure settings and campaign, much like in [i]War of Ancients[/i]. Based around the classic 'Adventuring' system of many table-top games, the player will be able to lead a party across the land to various quests. Fans of various genres of games look forward to this latest release in hopes of finding a balance between the different genres. Named an "enjoyable, intuitive, revealing game" by the head of Dark Solar Studios, Amand Becker, the game hopes to bring Dark Solar into the spotlight of fighting games as well as catch the attention of American gamers. The game has been marketed with a Small marketing campaign in the US/CA region and with Mini marketing campaigns in Germany and France. -$1,250,000