[center][h1]The Secrets That Lay Beyond[/h1][/center] [center][i]Since after World War Five, The Lore have been generous. They give the people cities, homes, food, jobs, and even love. Everyone has a different rank. Some are Genucers, people who produce stories or art or music. Some are Operaorers, people who work in the fields or in buildings. Everyone has a different rank from the time they turn thirteen. When they turn thirteen, they begin to work on their rank. When a person turns seventeen, they are given a half of a Charm and are sent off to find the person with the other half of that charm on a thing called The Journey. The Lore take care of all their people and everyone is always happy. Or are they? Is The Lore hiding something deeper beneath the joy? [/i][/center] [hider=Rules] 1) Follow all site rules. 2) No Gmodding or anything. 3) Subtle swearing is allowed. You may swear regularly, but don't go overboard. 4) PG-13 romance. Anything beyond that fade to black. 5) If you've read the rules, put "Matched" in your CS. 6) Have fun! 7) No fighting OOC please. If you do, you'll be asked to move it to PM. 8) I go by something called 'Baseball Warnings'. Three strikes and you're out. 9) Be respectful. 10) GM's word is law. 11) No auto-hitting other players. The same goes for not being hit all the time. You are human. A friendly or playful punch or a simple slap is not included in this rule. 12) Please remove parentheses in the CS 14) Preferably it’d be good to know who’s going to be your soul mate. PM with said person if you want them to be. 15) Please put all CS in the Character tab. The tab is there for a reason and I intend to use it. 16)Try not to double post IC, please. 17)Two characters per person! But they can't be Soul Mates 18)Please tell me when you are going to be gone for a pretty long period of time so I can catch you up! I hate when people just randomly leave. 19) Fun fun fun fun fun! Have it! [/hider] [hider=Ranks] Genucers: They produce stories, art, or music. They also act. Operaorers: They work in the fields or in office buildings. They also build, clean, or are gardeners. Commslator: They work as teachers, doctors, scientists, dentists, veterinarians, historians and political people (although I’m not going to allow anyone to be a political person) Enchian: They work with technology, machinery. Chetriment: They are chefs, waiters, and mixologists. Miliery: They are firefighters, police, guards, and military memebers. Coley: They are models, fashionistas, make-up artists, and makers of Charms. [/hider] [hider=Cities] These are called Ciowns in this world. [url=https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B2-LsOXIMAANIqp.jpg:large]Advian[/url] [url=http://www.walldc.com/town-images/]Sorial[/url] [url=http://cdn2.stormgrounds.com/stormgrounds-cdn/media/Small-Town-on-Water.jpg]Towael[/url] [url=http://www.bhmpics.com/walls/big_city_at_night-wide.jpg]Tokrial[/url] [url=http://media02.hongkiat.com/cities-of-the-futures/futurecitytoorobertdbrown.jpg]Skhadi[/url] [url=http://www.officialpsds.com/images/stocks/Snowy-City-Manip-stock6307-large.png]Slask[/url] Of course, there are many many other towns and cities, these are just a few. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Appearance: Name: Age (preferably 17): Gender: Ciown: Rank: Job: SM (Soul Mate. You don’t [i]have[/i] to know who it is): Personality: Bio (doesn’t have to be long): [/hider] [hider=Accepted Role Players] [hider=Callisto Navi] Appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/63/a7/fc/63a7fce80629ad4f0e4be652e8cc79c3.jpg[/img] Name: Call Navi Age: 17 Gender: Female Ciown: Tokrial Rank: Genucer Job: Writer and musician SM: N/A as of now Personality: Flirty, sweet, kind, and loyal to The Lore. She loves to sing and to play viloin and she loves her Rank. She can't wait to find out who her SM is, even if she is nervous. Bio: Cal lives with her father and her fourteen-year-old sister, Rosalina. More TBW. Matched [/hider] [hider=Leo Evans] [center][img]http://i400.photobucket.com/albums/pp81/IIiAngel-ChanII/Anime%20Boys/tumblr_m0jek8lXw31qcl31io1_500-1-1.jpg[/img] [u][b]Name[/b][/u] Leo Evans [u][b]Age[/b][/u] 17 [u][b]Gender[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Ciown[/b][/u] Skhadi [u][b]Rank[/b][/u] Genucer [u][b]Job[/b][/u] Photographer and landscape drawer [u][b]SM[/b][/u] Autumn [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] Leo is a very 'bouncy' person and is an extreme daredevil, putting his life on the line just for pictures. He once climbed an unfinished building just to get a picture of the city, which is his most famous picture. The idea of going on a journey thrills him. He is also a very kind, loving, and flirt person. [u][b]Bio[/b][/u] Leo was never adopted. His parents died in a fire and he was put into an orphanage. He was never adopted and was let out into the world on his on at the age of thirteen. [/center] [/hider] [hider=James Hunter] Appearance: [URL=http://s295.photobucket.com/user/shigureshouse/media/Anime/boy40.jpg.html][IMG]http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm158/shigureshouse/Anime/boy40.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Name: James Hunter Age (preferably 17): 17 Gender: Male Ciown: Tokrial Rank: Genucer (Just because I like music. :P) Job: Musician and Artist(multiple forms of art.) SM (Soul Mate. You don’t have to know who it is): N/A (Anyone who wants to though...) Personality: James is one of those people who considers everything to be art in some form or another, including nature and people. He loves music and art, and thinks that very few things aren't worth capturing in picture or painting. He's also very kind, caring, and generous towards others, gladly helping people and the only thing he asks for in return is for them to allow him to draw them. Bio (doesn’t have to be long): James only lives with his older sister. Not much else is known about him.[/hider] [hider=Amos Farly]Appearance: Small, stocky, barrel-chested. Amber eyes with partial heterochromia, splashes of blue in them. He has pale skin and red hair. He is very muscular and toned. Name: Amos Farly Age: 17 Gender: Male Ciown: Tokrial Rank: Miliery Job: Firefighter SM: Unknown as of yet. Personality: Dopey, happy, somewhat unintelligent. Bio: Amos was born and raised in one of the many, many apartments around Tokrial. His father and mother were both Miliery, with his mother in the police and his dad regularly sent off with the military. He himself decided to join his trade at a young age. He had always been oddly entranced by the fires that sometimes caught in the tall buildings; he would sit and watch them for hours, until they were put out, burnt out, or, rarely, when the whole tower came down. He never made many friends, but, now he would have to find his soulmate. No longer would he be allowed to walk the flaming halls of the towers and quietly fight them alongside his comrades. He had to journey out and find someone. (matched) [/hider] [hider=Autumn & Alastair] [center][img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-hO8idABy7pQ/UCD95NZF8EI/AAAAAAAAAbw/2RUcLIC0LXE/s1600/319971_111375932301430_100002870715822_63121_581438546_n.jpg[/img] ~Alastair is 6’1 and Autumn is 4’8~ ~Name: Autumn Cora Eirwen & Alastair Calix Eirwen ~Age~ 17 ~Gender~ Female & Male ~Ciown~ Tokrial ~Rank~ Autumn- Genucers Alastair- Commslator ~Job~ Autumn- Aritist/Sculptor and Writer Alastair- Doctor ~SM~ Autumn- Alastair- Aeriana "Aery" Rivers ~Personality~ Autumn is a very quiet girl who really just sits on the sidelines and doesn't interact with people. Autumn hardly ever speaks and if she does it's in a very quiet voice. She is very kind and gentle and likes helping people. She gets upset very easily and tends to cry. She can be startled or scared quiet easily and she tends to blush and get flustered a lot. Autumn can be oblivious about a lot of things, especially others feelings towards her and while she is hesitant to let people near her at first, once she opens up and gets to know a person she is very trusting and will never doubt that person. She doesn't give her heart away very easily but once she does she is devoted to that person, loving them with her whole being.. Alastair is a cold, stoic, and arrogant person. He is, more often than not, willing to leave those who slow him down behind. Alastair has a very inquiring mind when there is something he cares about. However, despite all of this, the one and only person he will show kindness to is his younger twin Autumn. He is fiercely protective of her and he will literally do anything to keep her safe. He loathes anyone touching her and is very liable to break a few hands and bruise some jaws if need be. ~Bio~ Their mother fell ill with a sickness. The twins watched as she withered away before their eyes. Their father, grief-stricken, fell ill as well and died of a broken heart. Alastair shouldered the burden and took care of younger sister. They live in a small apartment.[/center] Matched [/hider] [hider=Aeriana Rivers]Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/N3Dr6WT.jpg[/img] She's 5'2 even. Name: Aeriana "Aery" Rivers Age: 17 Gender: Female Ciown: Tokrial Rank: Commslator Job: Inorganic chemist and chemistry professor. SM: Alistair, if he wants to be? Personality: Aery is undeniably intelligent, and often uses huge words in her daily vocabulary. She seems distant at times, but that's usually because she's contemplating some laboratory dilemma. She doesn't really let her emotions show, ever, because they only get in the way of her work, and will even go as far as to convince herself that she has none. But she's undeniably terrified of the idea of a soulmate. Bio: Aery grew up in a busy, but very orderly, home. She was the second oldest of nine children living in a medium-sized apartment. (her siblings are, in order of age, Andrew, Thomas, Kyle, Alexander, Connor, Jonathan, Myranda, and Annalyn.) They always had just enough and were always neat in their mannerisms and appearance. They never had free-time; their parents always pushed them to take up passion projects or community service so that they couldn't have a chance to be idle. That carries over into her work today. MATCHED[/hider] [hider=Akira Firmu] [img]https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQxLxcGCTAmDqPyodENZu8S5sANgdWmfLMO0qsvW_wSHuS9qjmF[/img] Name:Akira Firumu Age: 17 Gender: Male Ciown: Skhadi Rank:Enchian Job: Scientist / Engineer SM:N/A Personality: Nice , kind and polite. He is really shy due to the metal that he hides on his body. He is fund of technology so he is kind of nerdy. Bio: Akira was young but he can still remember some off the actions that took place on that fateful day. His parents for the first time allowed him to watch them as they worked on a up and coming project. They both were scientist and they were working on a new type of metal to help out with weaponary in the war. Some say it was a misteak other say someone purposely messed with the experiments core causing it to implode. Akira's parents died and he was found at the site unconscious. Later doctors soon found pieces of the experimental fragments inside of him. In order to stay alive doctors with the help of a few scientist altered his body so survive off the fragments.[/hider] [hider=Ashlyn Hunter] [img]http://i721.photobucket.com/albums/ww214/HKTHP12/important/anime_T2-2-1.jpg[/img] Name: Ashlyn Hunter Age: 17 Gender: female Ciown: Tokrial Rank: Miliery Job: Policewoman SM: Unknown (for now) Personality: Ashlyn is definitely more serious than her twin by a lot, especially when on duty. When off the job, though, she's very flirtatious, outgoing, and, even though she's not supposed to, she drinks.(she has to be sneaky about it though. because James disapproves of it. >.>) She also likes to keep her hair dyed blue. She's also really eager to find out who she's been matched with as her soulmate. Bio: Same as James. The only thing known about her is that they've been living together for awhile by themselves.[/hider] [hider=Annalyn Rivers] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/04/2c/5e/042c5eb299f32d3385acd5a99929a0a7.jpg[/img] Name: Annalyn Rivers Age: 15 Gender: Female Ciown: Tokrial Rank: Coley. Job: In training, Charm Maker SM: Not Applicable (yet!) Personality: Annalyn has a boisterous twin sister Myranda. As a result, she tends to fade back as much as she can. She's very quiet, after years of having her speech overridden by Myra. She's very trusting and naive, and desperately craves having friends, though she'll never mention it. She's like her sisters in that way, that she mentions nothing of her emotions. Bio: She grew up as the youngest, and shyest, in a family of eight children within six years of one another. She never really fit in; while they were doing science and math projects all the time, she was making jewelry and singing. She wanted to go into training as either a Coley or as a Genucer, and apparently they had enough Genucers so she went in instead for her second passion: Charm making. MATCHED.[/hider] [hider=Max Lynx] Appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/82/69/71/826971c2b733a0b981048a2aae007756.jpg[/img] Name: Max Lynx Age: 17 Gender: Male Ciown: Slask Rank: Enchian Job: Mechanic SM: Callisto Personality: Max is a very timid boy. But when he opens up he turns out to be one of the most outgoing guys you'll ever meet. He's very sweet and kind, he's the guy who would help an old lady cross the street, help women with their groceries etc. Bio: Max grew up in Slask of course, and because of this he is very happy with where he lives, he loves the cold that nips at your nose and the silk-like snow. His parents and him got along well because of how he excelled in his schools, it was quite obvious how he would get the Enchian rank because of how he loved technology. Matched [/hider] [hider=Calista Acevado] Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/i6bFWOy.jpg[/img] Name: Calista Acevado Age: 17 Gender: Female Ciown: Slask Rank: Chetriment Job: Chef SM: No idea. Personality: Bubbly, kind and friendly,very protective if someone takes what is hers she goes ballistic. Bio: Calista was born on the streets and in the cold one day she got taken in by a rich man, she was treated to a leisurely life and grew accustomed to it, until one day the man who had taken her in suddenly disappeared , now alone on the streets in the cold once again she looks for love. [b]Matched[/b][/hider] [hider=Alexander Pierce] [img]http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/20800000/Akira-anime-guys-20846982-500-523.jpg[/img] Name: Alexander Pierce Age: 17 Gender: Male Ciown: Advian Rank: Miliery Job: Military Soldier SM: Kat Winters (Wintersunshine) Personality: Alex is a kind, cheerful, and nice person and is a very hard worker especially when it comes to his job in the military. Then comes his military personality which is very scary but never got the chance to show it since there's no war to fight in. Bio: Ever since Alex was a kid he dreamt of being in the military and fighting for his country. Alex turn 13 and got the chance to be in the military and couldn't wait to see what war was really like. He went through the toughest training he had ever experienced and when he turned 16 he was ready to fight until he found out that there was no wars to fight in. All he did was get moved around to different place to patrol and look out but there nothing to see. The higher ups said that he was too young to fight in a real war yet so they only gave him place to be to patrol around looking for any suspicious activity. They even said that there wasn't a war to fight in anyways so he just walked around everyday bored out of his mind for a year until he turned 17. The higher ups gave him a break and go on the journey to find his SM but he didn't want to, but he thought it would give him something to do, better than walking around for nothing. [/hider] [hider=Kat Winters] Appearance:[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/8b/d0/ce/8bd0ced4842c4a7bac960cf61fb86a10.jpg[/img] Name:Kat Winters Age:17 Gender:female Ciown:slask Rank:genucers Job:music artist SM: Alexander (gaming owl) Personality: kind, sweet, outgoing girl. She love to be around people and hang out, she is caring and love helping anyone who need it. Bio: At a young age she lost her parents in a murder and live with her bestfriend and her family. They never found out who did it and to this day she try to find out. She hope to find her soul mate when she go looking. Matched [/hider] [/hider] Tell me if I make any mistakes with the Soul Mates please! [center]Soul Mates are as follow! Cal and Max Kat and Alex Calista and Amos James and Annalyn Ashlyn and Akira Aery and Alastair Autumn and Leo[i][h2]There are seven pairs of Soul Mates! APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED UNLESS YOU HAVE SOMEONE WHO WILL BE YOUR SM![/h2][/i][/center]