[quote=FiroIV] A little more into it now. Would this follow the canon story closely? and if so how close and where and when will it occur in relation to the source material. As for the group itself how will they function exactly? You said special forces unit in the first post so there are two ways i interpret that. The first is your standard mission per mission group wherein they go to a "hot" zone and capture conduits at large, retrieve them, and then move onto another mission. The other being is that they live in a central region, say Portland, and act as a form of DUP police form/conduit special unit tasked with both protecting the city from conduit, criminals, and general anarchy and chaos. Personally i'd prefer the latter seeing as there is a more stable environment to play with. I think it would also allow the characters, depending on which side they'll fight on, to change the flow of power more if they had a consistent playground to work with. [/quote] I agree with this. Like all of it. That would be awesome.