[b]Draconic Studios Q1 Winter, 1990 (SORRY FOR THE CONFUSION TODAY IS Q1! Sales Calculations will go on as normal!) HQs: Atlanta, Georgia (US/CA) $4,800,000 (was $6,000,000)[/b] --- [b] The Dracos Gems Released![/b] In late development, Draconic Studios has renamed the Legend of Dracos to the Dracos Gems! [i] Draconic Studios presents..... [b] The Dracos Gems[/b][/i] Genre: Adventure, RPG Topic: Fantasy, JRPG Audience: Rated T for Teens (13+) Price: $40 Regions: North America, Oceania, UK/IE, Japan Languages: English, Spanish, French, Japanese, Welsh Platform: PC [b]Features[/b] -Beautiful 16-bit graphics! -Cleaned and Improved Stereo sound! -Animated Water and Sprites! -Joystick support! -Shops and Currency! Buy over one hundred fifty different weapons and armor to help you on your journey! -Color Customization! Eight different colors to choose for each piece of armor! (White, Black, Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Orange, and Purple) -Acquire the Draconic's Sword! (Second best weapon in the game) -Custom 'Dracos Gem' System! -Beautiful 8-bit and 16-bit Soundtrack -7 hours of the main storyline to follow! 1 hour full of side quests! -Easter Eggs! -Eight different bosses to fight! [hider= Plot] In the world of Aragonia after the Dawning and the Slaying, Arkoth, the God of the Dragons created six elemental gems, which he named the Dracos Gems; One was of Fire, one of Water, one of Earth, one of the Wind, one of Ice, and one of Lightning. He created these gems as a gift to the mortals as to apologize for what happened. They were scattered all over the earth as so anyone could find them. These gems were extremely valuable, besides for cosmetics uses, the Dracos Gems could be imbued into the blade of a weapon simply by placing it atop the blade, it could be taken out just as easily (by the person who imbued it, of course). Though, Zhiena, the "Goddess" of all Evil decided to create two more Gems as to hide amongst the Dracos Gems, which were referred to as the gems of Darkness and Light. When these two were combined, the person would supposedly receive a single wish from Arkoth and Alkaroth themselves. In reality, it would summon one of Zhiena's minions as to attempt to conquer the world once more. This is the story about how one of Dragonblood, Raphael has to undergo finding these gems as to save his Great Great Great Great Grandfather. Raphael merely lived in the village of Eaglewind, a village in West Argonia. Having lived with his mother until the age of six where she died due to a terrible disease. The village took care of him as he lived alone in the house him and his mother shared, teaching him skills, giving him food and water, and even just chatting with him. Though, when Raphael turned the age of twenty, by now he was a grown man and could take care of himself, he heard a voice calling to him, far off into East Argonia. He left the village, packing himself his sword, which he learned from the guards and soldiers of the Army that passed through the village often, as they trained outside the village. Eventually, he arrived at cave, a huge cave where nothing could be seen and where rumours surrounded it on how this was one of Zhiena's shrines. Inside the cave was a Dragon, Raphael's Great Great Great Great Grandfather in fact, whom was named Roktha. Roktha talked to Raphael about his bloodline and the history of the world which of course was a lot to take in. Roktha told Raphael to search out the Darkness and Light Dracos Gems as to save his life, as Dragon Slayer poison was in his veins. Raphael agreed to undergo the quest to save his Great(x4) grandfather, and was even given proper traveling equipment (See Raphael Magnet in Marketing in one of my posts). Thus, Raphael set out as to search for the Dracos Gems, discovering his Fire Magicks and following Roktha's guidance as to where they may be along the way, as well as searching for the other Six Dracos Gems. [/hider] [b] Dracos Gems System[/b] The Dracos Gems System allows the player to take one of the gems acquired via the plotline or sidequests and imbue it into their weapon. It will give the weapon magic damaging properties (Fire Gem gives Fire, Ice gives Ice, etc) as well as giving the player three 'Gem Unleash Moves' (which is a big bar divided into thirds) the bar can be filled up by using the imbued weapon constantly or by going back to visit Roktha (It's annoying to go all the way back). Each Dracos Gems has a 1-bar, 2-bar, and 3-bar special. Each 1-bar is an Enchanced Magical Projectile, the strongest in the game. Each 2-bar special is a spread "shot" of projectiles or a powerful spin attack. And each 3-bar special is just a powerful burst of Draconic Magic, giving you a second of invincibility right afterwards it was used. --- [b] Gensokyo: Flying Fallen Angels Released![/b] [i]Draconic Studios presents..... [b]Gensokyo: Flying Fallen Angels[/b] [/i] Genre: Action, Shooter Topic: Bullet Hell/Danmaku, Patterns Audience: E11+ Price: $40 Regions: North America, Japan Languages: English, French, Spanish, Japanese Platform: PC Difficulty: 14 (1 meaning super easy, 10 meaning average/normal difficulty, 20 meaning near impossible) E.E. Stage Difficulty: 16 [b] Features[/b] -Beautiful 16-bit Graphics -Clean and Improved Stereo sound! -Beautiful Hand-drawn backgrounds and Dialogue Sprites! -An amazing plot-line to follow with funny and interesting dialogues! -Two shot types, Reckless (More damage dealt but a smaller shot range, and you move faster) and Cautious (You deal less damage but you have a big shot range and homing bullets, you move slower) -Each shot type now offers their own bomb! The Reckless bomb is better for dealing damage against Bosses and the Cautious bomb is better for clearing the stage of bullets. -4 Difficulties: Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard! -An "Easter Egg" stage. A stage that crosses over one of our games into Gensokyo. They are locked to Hard difficulty! Unlock it by completing Normal mode! (Joshua, default Mage character from Monsters & Magicks, has eight Spell Cards to go through and normally shoots fire, water, earth, air, lightning, and wind danmaku bullets.) -Six stages to beat! -Hiela appears as the Stage 2 Boss! -A unique 'Angel Purification' System! [hider= Plot] In the magic world of Gensokyo, separated from the outside world thanks to Kurai Arashi, a human gifted with the manipulation of boundaries, everything was peaceful as always. The youkai were hunting for food, the humans and kappa chatting, the Oni in Hell. Though, rumours began to circulate in Gensokyo that Angels with black wings or rather with no wings at all began falling out of the sky all over Gensokyo! These Angels soon began to invade Gensokyo and began to kill off innocent humans, though it was also seen that the Fallen Angels fought amongst themselves as if arguing weather they should do such evil deeds or not. A slightly mischievous witch, Ako Yakami, has decided to go investigate this "incident." Meanwhile innocents and Angels alike are being slain and blood is being shed in Gensokyo. Kurai Arashi has to deal with the Angels upfront as to give Ako time to find out the leader of these angels to stop them. [/hider] [b] Angel Purification System[/b] While playing the game, you will come across Fallen Angels, bigger and stronger than the fodder on the screen. If you successfully dodge its patterns and shoot exactly when prompted to, you will purify the angel and send it back up to Heaven, where you get a free bomb, life, or point bonus depending on how well you did. [hider= Gensokyo: FFA (Flying Fallen Angels) Soundtrack] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qO_s1GINW9w] FFA Stage 1 Boss Theme - Dark Angel's Theme - Corrupted Heavenly Servant[/url] -- [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXq9-hGNfNo] FFA Stage 2 Boss Theme - Hiela's Theme - An Ice Fairy's Strength![/url] -- [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41WNfphKYsM] FFA Stage 3 Boss Theme - Thalia Kikiri's Theme - The Warner of the Coming Danger[/url] -- [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vARUuyDTS8U] FFA Stage 4 Boss Theme - Konnagra's Theme - The Great Fallen Angel ~ Wings Taken, Searching for Peace.[/url] -- [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eg1uYQhcoM] FFA Stage 5 Boss Theme - Lucina Kagame's Theme - The Loyal Dark Servant of the Fallen Angel[/url] -- [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEd_EH5IYFc] FFA Stage 6 Final Boss Theme - Keine Kagashiryo's Theme - Serenade of God's Betrayal[/url] [/hider] --- [b] A reply arrives at Video Gadgeteer's studios[/b] Mr Zehn, (Pretend a letter was sent saying that it was alright you could come in January) Enclosed in this letter is a ticket to Atlanta, Georgia, first class as well. There will be a taxi waiting for you which will take you to our headquarters so we can discuss business, and then go out for dinner, a resturant of your choosing. [i]From, Alexander Chaser, CEO & Head Developer of Draconic Studios[/i]