Sal listened carefully but in her head all she heard was [i]blahblahblahbalh[/i] Haiden was trying to prevent her from educating this "little"prick! In her head the laughter of the dragon was almost deafening, all the while he goaded and prodded. [i]"You wont do it, you are far to scared of him. Look at you hesitating your just weak! Hahahaha!" [/i]another at the same time "What you have always been reserved and uptight you wouldn't hurt a fly. Typical girl." A final one rang out over all the others[i][i], "You will simply show the world what trash you truly are." [/i][/i]Her eyes fill with a red that Haiden had never seen and her mouth exhaled a plume of smoke as she slammed the boy into the floor. A normal person would have been knocked unconscious but he proved strangely resilient. [b] "WHAT WAS THAT, TELLING ME HOW TO KICK YOUR ASS?!" [/b]Sal roared at the boy. Her Face which was once contorted in rage started to show a grin [b]"You ain' going to the principal! Im'a put you in a bodybag!" [/b]As the words left her twisted smile she lifted her foot to stomp the boys head. --- Michael walked along with Eden expecting a nothing more than to see the campus while they headed to class. He noted her comment on his form of speech with a apologetic grin.[b] "Its not so much I read a lot its that I feel using your vocabulary is a great mental excerise to ensure you think about things from different perspectives, in addition it ensure that I take the time to think about what I am going to say before I say it. Thus ensurin[/b]-" His explanation is cut off from the hostilities of two others. Michael mentally much the red haired girl rises to a raging inferno. As Haiden attempts to douse her in a literal fashion, it only seems to spur her onwards. Its as if something else was the source of these seemingly childish display of anger. Nayru seemed to echo his thoughts. Michael starts to move forward as the red haired girl lifts her foot clearly going to smash the boys head if nothing stopped her.