The dog glared back at Morgan, though it seemed to enjoy being scratched upon the head. "I guess you don't like being called puppy. How strange." She said, following the dog inside. Of all of the things that "could have" happened today, this wasn't something that she would've expected. Oh well, she did like dogs. "Did they really have to stick it your noggin?" Morgan reached over and pulled the paper off of her head, crumpled it up, and tossed in the trash. She looked down at the canine, pacing back and forth between the family room and the kitchen frantically. "You smell food, no? Well, I don't really have dog food, but scrap meat would work. You do look hungry. CC? You hungry? That's your name right? CC?" Morgan said smiling. She reached down and scratched the top of the dogs head, right behind her ears. "Don't'll get food soon enough." Morgan smiled widely, and went to the fridge and pulled out a bowl of basically fresh meat. She opened the backdoor, and slid the bowl outside. "It's all yours."