[b]Name:[/b] Molly Truman [b]Alias:[/b] Madame Smash [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Skills:[/b] [b]THE CHAMP IS HERE[/b] - Avid wrestling and boxing enthusiast. Very familiar with a variety of grapples and holds as well as hand-to-hand combat. [b]I'LL SEE YOU IN THE RING, BROTHER[/b] - Very skilled in the art of taunting, intimidation and showmanship. Sometimes leads to unnecessary show-boating. [b]BEND BUT NEVER BREAK, BOW BUT NEVER SUBMIT[/b] - Possesses an unusually high willpower and tolerance for punishment. [b]Powers:[/b] [i][b]GRAVITY MANIPULATION[/b][/i] - The ability to affect local forces of gravity. Can be used to create an environment that is heavier or lighter than usual Earth conditions or adjust an object's weight, give objects their own gravitational pull or expand gravity wells, flatten or compress objects, repel and attract matter in a similar fashion to telekinesis. This ability is limited to a very local range, from 20m at base power and 50m at highest power. The magnitude and pressure able to be exerted is also dependant on Holly's will to fight and survive. No morale means less power. She has trouble affecting objects much bigger than a dumpster, requiring more concentration and willpower. [b]Equipment:[/b] A monstrous two-handed hammer of unknown metal. Extremely durable. Named 'Vulcanus'. A respirator attached to her mask, to be used as a focus to assist in breathing normally when local oxygen is heavier than usual. [b]Personality:[/b] Boisterous, brash, bold and brave. A severe narcissist and sometimes unnecessarily crude in her manner of speech and general attitude. What would you expect from a 15 year old? A 15 year old with a penchant for WRASSLIN' that is. Molly is too much energy in too little of a body and as a result she is very prone to outbursts, either of excitement or aggression. Far from level-headed or strategic, she is fond of charging straight into the action and assaulting head on. Head-strong and hammer stronger, she has no qualms about collateral damage. [b]History:[/b] Living in a household as the only female child is tough. Living with 9 other brothers is even tougher. Add being the youngest child in the pack on top of that and you have got yourself a recipe for difficult existing. This was Molly's home life. Only daughter to the semi-famous wrestler 'Behemoth', Molly lived as a kitten in a den of lions. Family life was first come, first served and it was always last place for her. Through all this hardship and strife, she learned to cope. She learned to hit harder, jump higher and be more ruthless than any and all of her brothers combined. So she likes to think, at least. In reality, she is just the one out of her siblings who took most after her father. As the rest went to pursue their own interests, such as the arts or sciences, Molly wanted nothing more than for her father to be proud of her. Eventually this vying for attention and reassurance drew her to theft and breaking and entering as the fight for her father's affections grew from performing a perfect form stomach-to-stomach suplex to performing the perfect diamond store smash-and-grab. As her father delved deeper and deeper into the world of organised crime, descending from the world of entertainment, she found that even though she was being dragged down with him, she enjoyed the attention she received on the news bulletins and in the newspapers. She loved it when she caught a glimpse of her mugshot plastered on an alley wall or a signpost. After much soul-searching (read: more crime and mischief) she realised that it wasn't her father's attention that she was seeking, it was her father's attention-seeking nature that she inherited. It was that time when she began operating more toward her own ends, serving herself and taking what SHE wanted instead of what her father wanted. Her hammer, 'Vulcanus', was found when she took it upon her self to raid an obscure museum. It was there, as the police closed in, that she discovered her abilities. That was two years ago, and she's been in and out of lock-down ever since. But now she knows what she's doing. [b]Appearance:[/b] Molly is a lithe, agile girl standing at a height of 5'2". She isn't the biggest but she packs a punch bigger than most. Her voluminous hair is platinum blonde, almost white as it dangles down to her waist and frames her youthful face. Her slightly upturned nose sits below a pair of wide, vibrant green eyes that seem to smile just as much as her mouth. Her costume consists of a spandex crop-top and pants. On her feet are wrestling boots and her hands are covered in wraps of what looks like gauze. For her face, she wears a wrestling mask with the top cut off to expose her hair under what looks like a painting respirator. The overall costume has a colour scheme of purple and gold, with a bit of black thrown in. [b]Other:[/b] H.I.V.E Five.