--- --- Ranga wanted to continue but knew she was right so he simply agreed, but not before swiping another kiss and letting her go. Then he dressed, slowly, his eyes glancing over Lydia's body as she redressed herself. He loved the way her toned body moved in perfect harmony. Everything just so tight and supple. Closing his eyes he calmed himself and finished dressing. After he slung his weapon over his shoulder he started to move but was quickly stopped when Lydia made a motion for him to lean down. Doing so he was suprised to find her lips on his again. The stirring in his loins slightly uncomfortable, but he shifted and managed a smile of his own. " No problem, Lydia, Though are you sure. I mean I'm sure we could go another round...or five." He added with a slight chuckle, half seriously. Good thing Lydia was right however. A few hours later and the two travelers came to another entrance that was just big enough for them to get out of. Luckily they stayed on the main path instead of one of the many split offs that crowded the mineshaft. As they exited the mine they were greeted with fresh air, the soothing light of the moon high in the sky, and a slight chill from the storm. Ragna's eyes wandered over Lydia's body one more time before moving up to look at the moon. " I guess you were right after all." He said from behind her, his arms wrapping around her stomach, he kissed her cheek before standing back up. " Score one for optimism"