-Samuel- I woke up for the first time in days. I felt like absolute shit. I sit up, looking around... I had the worst migraine. I was in some kind of cold, dirt cell with nothing but my glasses, my jacket, and my headband on. I stood up, holding my head in pain. I saw some white rabbit-like creature, one of those things my general ordered me to kill, so I spring to action, running towards the thing... that was about as tall as me. Maybe they were human-sized, enraged or not. I tackle the rabbit, and I was about to start pounding him to death, but when I raised my arms, I saw that my hands were oddly sized, and also covered in white fur. I look at them, seeing my paws, and I look at whatever was on the ground. "Who are you? Where am I?!" I say, standing up, and offering a hand to help the other guy up. I look around, sticking my head out of the cell. It smelt like wet grass and rabbit droppings. I look outside the thick metal bars, and I see another cage, packed with the creatures. There wasn't any room in that cell anymore, people were literally stacked on top of each other, as if they were sloppily thrown in. Some were crying, others screaming, and still others knocked out. "What kind of sick jail is this? Where are we, North Korea?" I ask, looking at the other cell. Some were very young; others very elderly, and every age group in between. I sit down... why wasn't this cell filled? Maybe this cell was built after that one got too crowded, and we're the first people in it. I grab my head again, groaning in pain. "I have too bad of a headache to even think right now..." I grumble, closing my eyes.