I was looking around for my pencil and notepad, I absolutely needed to write down all of what I've just experienced, when, out of nowhere, my new cellmate wakes up, and blindsides me with a tackle, and, once I was on the cold dirt-covered stone ground, he... tries to help me up after taking a look at himself? This man was a bit odd. "What was that all about!?" I ask him, getting up on my own rather than taking his hand. He then complains about his headache, and, after dusting myself off, I add "Yeah, and I just got tackled to the ground. You're in the military, right? Well, act like it," I sounded a little harsh, but the guy just tackled me for no reason other than... well, actually I didn't know what his reasoning was, but I didn't attack him... and if he was just going to attack all mimigas, then he really needs to look in a mirror once in a while. Some time passes, and I end up nodding off for a while, until I come up with some sort of plan to get out of this place. "Alright, so, you don't like it in here, right? Well, neither do I. I think I can get us out of here, if you'd just cooperate with me..." I then look around and notice none of those weird orange guard-people... things, and I add "We'll tell the guards that we'll be good mimigas, that we won't start a fight with anyone. I'll, um, answer your questions later, once this plan is done," I then wait for a guard, and say "Hey, guard! Over here!" The guard approaches me, and I give it my best impersonation of 'the puppy-dog eyes', and say "Could you please let me and my friend out of this jail? We learned out lesson... we'll be good mimigas now, we won't start a fight with anyone," for a moment, I thought this wouldn't work, but he seemed to be considering something... as far as I can tell with the dead-looking eyes the guard-things tended to have. It took a full minute of thinking for him to come up with a response, and, honestly, it wasn't the one I was expecting. "Well... what about your friend? Are you sure he's going to be nice? Are you sure he's not going to start a fight with anyone?" He asks. I was about to answer, and then he said "No... him. I need HIM to tell me that he's not going to start any fights if I let you two out of here," I then look towards the other mimiga, who still looked completely confused, apparently, he thought this was North Korea, or some other third-world country... and... well, it might be, actually. Heck, if there was an actual population of humans, this place would be classified as third-world, given their general treatment of their local population, obvious poverty, as none of them seemed to know what 'money' was until I told them... well, none of them that didn't used to be human, like me. Maybe what's-his-face was on to something here... maybe that could be something I could add to my report, that is, if I ever find my pencil and notepad again.