[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/66/b1/d8/66b1d8acdc52f0b640400b5d8515dff6.jpg[/img] ~Name~ Autumn Marie Corvo ~Age~ 12 ~Personailty~ Autumn is very shy and kind though she is so shy to the point where she can't really talk in front of other people. Having not socialized with anyone outside of her family left Autumn with no knowledge on how to relate to others and so she hardly ever knows what to say or how to act. She tends to blurt a lot of things out without realizing it or thinking about her words. She also gets embarrassed and flustered way too easily; often blushing and hiding her face. Being as innocent as she is to the world, she trusts way too easily and is oblivious about a lot of stuff. Autumn can become upset very easily and is very sensitive; also being very clumsy and tends to trip over her own feet a lot. Autumn also puts others needs before her own and in most cases she reacts without thinking of her own well-being: if someone is being hurt, Autumn will immediately try and protect them with any means possible without even considering herself. She is very, very selfless. Autumn can be very curious and is very easily captivated and awed by even the simplest of objects and things. ~Bio~ Autumn never knew her real parents, she was left on the steps of an orphanage when she was just an infant. Growing up, it became apparent that Autumn’s left eye retained no sight. So she kept it covered because even if she couldn’t see out of it, it was sensitive to light. She was too shy to makes friends and so was alone more often than not. Then one day she woke up and there was another voice inside her head. Frightened, she went to Mrs.Cole, the owner of the orphanage. At first the old women thought the child was just playing tricks on her and making up stories until strange things started happening around Autumn, like windows breaking and people falling down the stairs. Then the woman became frightened and tried to get the child baptized but that just made everything worse. And so she moved Autumn into the attic and wouldn’t let the child leave, afraid the other kids would get hurt. ~Demon~ Disaster[/center]