Okay Everyone. Had a little heart to heart with some people. Discussed some stuff and did a little brainstorming. My vote is we momentarily back burner the whole "Pace of the story" thing. After a discussion with Synth (whose insights I am blatantly ripping off) We have a communication problem that needs to be addressed. We are not all on the same page. By any stretch of the imagination. Now I know some of the members can't use or wont use skype. Don't worry im not here to tout its merits or something like that. We need to solve the problem not force feed someone a solution. Synth and I have decided that perhaps this might be a workable solution. http://www.chatzy.com/ its browser based chat so if you can get to the guild you should be able to use it. If there are legitimate objects. Please voice them, this needs to be a group effort, I can sit alone in a chat room all day and it aint gonna do much unless everyone is on board with it. I know I've been a bit of a stick in the mud about using something beyond skype but it aint working and I want to be part of the solution not the problem. I would appreciate people meeting me halfway on this one. Synth, Sam and Wind are on board with this (to my knowledge right now as im writing this post). i'll be dropping a copy of this in the Skype chat and I will be doing my best to be more present in the OOC personally. Batman aint a team player so I need to stop acting like him. So please, PM me if you have something more personal you want to say, post a response here, or if you have access to it I can be reached on skype. I'd even be willing to exchange email addresses. We can re address other issues when we can all have a fair say in things because we can all communicate effectively. On a side note, I believe that no one here should feel marginalized with their characters so if there is anything I can do personally to be more inclusive. Please. Let me know.