[quote=KatherinWinter] [quote=nerminator] [b]well, thats the difference between you and me, I'm booksmart and your street smart.[/b] oliver said,licking his paw a bit he heard shemp say something about having no father. [b]pretty much everyone here was separated from there families somehow[/b] he said a bit casually, [/quote] Roxy pushed the button to the elevator. "Shemp you might have gotten lucky knowing your father. He could have been a complete asshole. But if you really want one you can have mine." [/quote] As the elevator descends it looks very much like Shemp is considering it. But then he shakes his hand in front of him dismissively. "Nahhhh, everything I've ever had has been second hand. If I'm gonna get something important like that, I want it new."