[b]Draconic Studios Q1 Winter, 1990 HQs: Atlanta, Georgia (US/CA) $7,700,000 (was $9,050,000) [/b] [b] A World Without Heroes announced! [/b] Draconic Studios has announced a Dark Fantasy/Post-Apocalyptic videogame, not much information has been released but it will be a game depicting morality, religion, and human nature. The game is to be rated M and is NOT suggested for young children to play at ALL. It will be an RPG game for the PC. -$100,000 Development costs --- [b] Duels of Honor Marketed![/b] Duels of Honor has been marketed with a Mini Marketing Campaign in the following regions: UK/CA, Mexico, Japan, Oceania, and UK/IE. Full-color newspaper and gaming magazine ads depict the gameplay's artwork, story, and the characters that will be usable for play, ten of them, here is the character list! -Sessat: An expert in Muay Thai who wishes to earn the title of the King of Muay Thai (You could say he's the "main character") -Rambit: An expert in Silat, friend of Sessat who teaches him Silat whilst he is taught Muay Thai. He uses two karambit knives in combat. -Mei-Ling: A female martial artist who knows kung fu, a vigilante as well. She wishes to kill the Hell Foundation's leader as he killed her family. -Draco: A Spanish martial artist who is a master at Ninjutsu, he is a sadist and a narcissist whom is obsessed with his own beauty. He fights with a claw and covers his face with a mask as to protect his pretty face. He is a vigilante with faults, as he will kill anyone whom he deems ugly or whom offends him. -Angel: Ex-Chinese Special Forces, he is an expert in Aikido and trains under Seraphim. He is completely defensive and will never attack anyone, save for Devil and Demon. -Seraphim: A Master at Aikido and Ex-Japanese Special Forces, he is proficient in Juijitsu and Kali as well as Aikido and trains Angel. The two are trying to stop the Hell Foundation and their goals. He fights with two Kali sticks. -Demon: An expert in Muay Thai and Kung Fu, he is the student and second-in-command of Devil. He is said to have taken down an entire squadron of armed police officers, guns and all, with nothing but his body. -Devil: The instructor of Demon, he is a Master of Muay Thai and Krav Magra, he is the leader of the Hell Foundation, an organization to enslave China and Japan under one emperor, him. He will kill anyone who attempts to stop him, as well as government figures. -Jian Kun: A tribute to Bruce Lee. Jian Kun has formed his own style of martial arts called Hitenryu (JKD) and is a movie actor. He is very confident in his abilities, he is fast and furious. -Alex: Kind of obvious who's this, eh? Alex is a martial artist in the west who has studied Jian Kun's style of martial arts and mixed it with his own abilities. He can fight with Kali Sticks, Karambits, or unarmed, he is extremely flexible (like Draco) and fast, but not too strong either. -$1,250,000 Mini Marketing Campaigns (NA, JA, UK/IE, and Oceania)