[center]Okay guys, i finished my form.~ [img]http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=86748048[/img] Name: Oren Finch Age: 13 Personailty: Pretends to be nice | Arrogant | Cruel | Gluttonous | Protective Oren has a habit of pretending to be a nice, bubbly person who actually cares while he's really plotting your downfall. If you manage to see past the facade, though, you'll see that he's actually really arrogant and cruel and won't hesitate to hurt other people to get what he wants. While he doesn't brag to strangers or anything, you might sometimes catch some sarcasm or a patronizing tone in his voice. He also might drop a few hints here and there by accident (like not realizing he's supposed to care when someone hurts themselves by accident). If you don't particularly matter to him, no matter what he says or does, he's really just trying to harm you. (Since he thinks it's funny watching other people suffer.) If you really matter to him, then he'll probably start acting more like a protective big brother figure though. Oren also eats a lot of food and likes to eat too much when he's stressed. He only really started acting like this (like the more negative parts of his personality) after the demon went inside his mind, though. The protective part is pretty much the only thing about him that hasn't changed. He still likes birds though. Bio: Oren was actually a really nice person before the demon went inside his mind. He used to be really popular at school, be nice to everyone and help out his parents around the house a lot. He even won lots of awards at school. When he started to hear a voice in his head, he told his parents about it. They believed him, but never really took it seriously until one day, Oren's personality drastically changed and he started acting more like how he does now. Demon: Defeat[/center]