"Jedi are passive, peaceful creatures, Oram. But we all have our own roles to play, contradictions to make at times. You and I, we are Guardians - we will defend the innocent and the Republic until we become one with the Force... And then you bring reality into question and we're actually going on the offensive to do the right thing. Hypocrites, but rightfully so - if we don't attack, they'll just come back twice as angry." Yai shrugged casually as he led his Padawan through the temple and towards the medical wing. Jedi along the way gave them strange looks. Their robes were dark colours, unlike the majority who wore simple civilian tunics and robes. Not that Yai cared what they thought. He would use a red colour crystal in his lightsaber just to see their reactions; in the end he'd still be Jedi, and it would just be a colour, not a symbol of his allegiance to the Sith. As they entered, Yai immediately fixed his gaze on two particular Jedi. Cronic Crystalis and Aria Koizumi, unsung heroes of the previous war... They were friends, the three of them. Oram would probably enjoy the two as well. All four were practical Jedi, ones that would act rather than wait and watch. "I hope we aren't interrupting a reunion. It's good to see you both alive and well... Last time we met, we were fighting together on Corellia's city streets..." "Huh, speak of the devil. Master, this is the kid you have high hopes for?" Aria smiled and kicked off the edge of her bed, arching her back and looking over Oram. Twin lightsabers, very fit for his age, and he strode alongside Yai with confidence. "Nice to meet'cha, kid." Yai meanwhile focused more on Cronic, "I see you're back from the outer rim. I was hoping you might be interested in yet another trip around the galaxy. In short, Sith hunt."