I look at the guard, nodding. "Yeah, yeah, I'll be fine," I say. He looks at us, walks away for a minute, and comes back with two sprinklers and the keys. He opens the gate. "Both of you are assigned 12 hours Plantation Duty. After that, you have a 30 minute break, and then you come back here and sleep, to do the same thing tomorrow. You'll be doing this until The Doctor sees fit that ALL plantation workers have done their duty, to which you will serve as soldiers in the army. Is that clear?" he asks, and I nod. He tosses me the sprinkler, and I walk outside of the gate. "The General told me to attack all mimiga on sight, enraged or not. So I woke up, seeing you, and I attacked on instinct, and I woke up with fire in my mouth and many swords in my head, metaphorically, and I felt like I could hardly move because I was so tired, and then I fainted again. I don't know where I am, or who anyone is," I explain to the other guy, fixing my glasses as I awkwardly walk out of the jail rooms and go down to a grass field. I looked and about 100 feet away there was a door in a hill that said 'BROKEN SPRINKLER REPAIR AND TOOLS.' I look around, and I push my sprinkler into some mud. There were small molehills around it with seeds scattered everywhere, and I turn the sprinkler on. It gushed out gallons of water before suddenly stopping. I look at it, and I take it out of the ground, and to the room. In the corner of my eye I could see someone fishing. I get into the building and find the most important looking guy, who had some type of hammer and many tools. I hand him the sprinkler, and he asks "What's wrong with it?" and I respond with "It spat out too much water and now it's not working. Can you fix it?" and he nods. He opens it up with the back of the hammer, and begins hitting the insides a bit, and tightens some things before handing the repaired sprinkler back. "Refill it at the lake," he says, and I walk down, hopping on the small bits of land that were scattered around the lake, and I refill the sprinkler. I see one of those orange things approach, walk up to the fishing mimiga, and take his pole, then proceed to snap it and throw the pieces into the lake. "Break time's over. Get back to work," he says, and the other mimiga runs away. I flip the sprinkler on, and point it at the guard, seeing if it would shoot out gallons of water in a high-pressure spray, but it worked like normal and only got his stomach and face wet. He looks at me and I say "Oh sh--" before getting tackled into the water, and hit. I attempt to execute a move I learned in the military, but it didn't work because my hands were too large, and he seemed resistant to pain. I emerge from the water, taking deep breaths and spitting water out before bolting for the exit door, where I nearly got tackled by two more of the guards, but I managed to exit. I saw a mimiga with a strangely long face peeking out of a box in the corner of the room I was in. "Eep!" he says, ducking down. I pay no attention to him, and I run out of the room, greeted by strong winds and harshly cold weather. I look at the room, and hear a door being bashed down, so I take a jump of faith, and the wind immediately slams me into the rock wall, and I roll down the side of the island, before I cracked my glasses, and got knocked out. I woke up sometime later, in a kind of cave, with blood coming from my nose and multiple scrapes and wounds on my arms and legs and body. I stand up slowly, hearing a loud ringing in my ears as my vision gets blurry, and I felt nauseous, bad enough that I had to sit down in some kind of office chair by a large monitor. I readjust my glasses, and look at the sprinkler I had. [i]Where did I put it? In my jacket?[/i] I think, wiping the blood from my nose. I looked up, after my vision went back to normal, and I see a soldier. I fall back in the chair, and say "Don't attack! I used to be one of you!" as I try to crawl away.