Erion was suddenly surprised by one of those mimigas thing going and entering the place he was in, having supposely been taken in my the wind. He had his gun pointed at it at first until he heard what he said. He breath deeply. "Ugh... The generald said to kill all the mimiga's, even the once humans." he says before looking at the mimigas and shaking his head. "But I never was one to actually fallow his orders to the letter..." he says before walking towards the thing and seeing his bloody nose a bit. "I am looking for the doctor's hideout. I need to gather important information about this place, how it works and such." he says calmly before breath deeply. "Though seeing how my whole entire squad just left me for dead... it might be best for me to attempt to survive here for now." he says calmly. "So tell me... who are you anyway? Names Erion... use to me a mechanic for the army... until I was obliged to get some special training." he then says rather calmly, still on his guards though in case that guy would suddenly transform. He had his gun ready for this, and he still had his wrench if something else would happen.