[h2]The Loser's Colorful Days (負け犬の花屋かな日 | Makeinu no Hanayakanabi)[/h2] [quote]Magic / School Life / Modern[/quote] Magic is dying. Having grown accustomed to magic in their everyday lives, the human race took their gift for granted, abused it, and, in time, grew bored of it. Despite how integral and important magic is to everything around them - numerous key human inventions having been built with the requirement of magic to function properly - the people of present-day society neglect learning how to properly utilize magic and now they are finally realizing the consequence of their apathy: magic is gradually disappearing from the world. Individuals who once possessed the "gift" now find themselves unable to use it in any capacity as a result of their neglect. Those who still diligently train their magic powers are now the only ones capable of using magic but, even then, there is still a present fear of their magic disappearing as well. With each passing day, reports of individuals losing their abilities increases by the hundreds. Thus a plan was enacted: the establishment of Magis Historia or otherwise known simply as the Academy - a floating fortress in the sky. There, mages who are still able to utilize their magic will be gathered - whether willingly or not - in order for them to train their abilities to the fullest in hopes that they may pass on the "gift" to future generations to continue the world's reliance on magic. But there is one condition: those who have not shown any progress within each month will have their magic forcefully taken away. [h2]Drakenguard (ドラケングアド | Dorakenguado)[/h2] [quote]Fantasy / Military / Adventure[/quote] In this fantasy world, humans have all but eliminated the entire dragon race. The dragons that have survived have been forced underground to avoid extinction. The leaders of the remaining dragons planned to have their race repopulate and live as underground dwellers; avoiding human contact from then on. But a young, ambitious, and powerful dragon took control and with him as their leader, the dragon race began thriving once more. Two centuries have passed and now the dragons' leader is the oldest and most powerful dragon in existence. But though he may have changed physically throughout the years, his plan of taking revenge on the human race had not. Enter two dragon siblings who have been tasked by the dragon leader to infiltrate the human capital in order to gather information on how to defeat the human race. With a strange magic that has cloaked the two siblings in human disguises, their mission now begins. In their attempt to infiltrate the human capital however, they are mistaken to be recruits for the Wallguards - a vital part of the human military that is tasked with defending the huge wall surrounding the human capital from all threats. There, they meet an unusual Wallguard recruit who has a kind heart for dragons and thus begin the siblings' lives amongst the enemy. [quote]My RPs have certain key characteristics that they all share and I believe you should know them before deciding an interest in either RP ideas: [list] [*] Manga/Anime-themed which means my RPs follow common tropes/features associated with Manga/Anime [*] Heavily story-focused with the flow of the RP directed by me with some (possible) downtime for sandbox-style RPing [*] Story occurs through chapters/seasons/arcs [*] Focused on a small group of Main Characters which means limited spots available [*] My RPs generally have a main protagonist played by me but don't let this discourage you as the main protagonist is usually just a way to build a cohesive story and, in practice, is treated like any other participant's character aside from some key events [*] Open to story and character ideas from any participant [/list] With that said, I'm looking to only create one RP from either of these two ideas. Whichever is the more popular idea will be the one I create.[/quote]