Ragna took her hand in his and gave it a light, reassuring squeeze. " If you ran, you would regret it till the end of your days. And I feel that would do more harm then good. No. I was just being over worried. You are allowed to make your own decisions. Besides, I can't stop you." He gave her a smile and leaned down to kiss her cheek again. " It's true. They are rather chaotic, but I am sure they would not follow you across the world. The demons have a weak foothold here as is. If they sent any force away from their lands. Like they did in termina. It would result in losing territory. I believe the Termina assault we lost territory to the angels. I digress, Though if you do want me to feel better. May we make a detour to stop at my lands? I'd feel safer with armor again. " It was true that he was worried about her. He made an oath to protect her and if she died he would feel the pain a thousand times over. But it was more then that and Ragna knew it. She was the first person to actually care for him, and she was the first person he truly cared for. Though somewhere inside he knew that he shouldn't get attached lest the king made him kill her. With a sigh he shook his head. "I'm sorry for worrying. It's just I don't trust the king at all. Whatever his agenda. It won't be healthy for anyone."