Alastair scowled as he shoved things into a backpack. He didn't very much like the idea but what could he do? He liked the idea of his sister finding her soulmate even less. He could hear her humming in the room next to his. He was happy that she was happy, no mistake about that but he...he worried about her. A lot. He just didn't want to see her get hurt and he only trusted himself to keep her safe. How was he to know that her soulmate would take care of her? He sighed as he continued to pack things. Autumn had been smiling all day. She was nervous, very much so but she was also a tiny bit excited. She just hoped she liked whoever her soulmate was. She paused, thoughts turning to her twin. She knew his opinion on the whole Ceremony matter. She just hoped that whoever his soulmate was would be able to handle him. Her brother could be a times. She resumed folding clothes and placing them into her pack. When she was finished she went to her brothers room and knocked. He opened it, also sporting his pack. He gave a small smile. [color=lightgreen]"Ready?"[/color] He asked. Autumn nodded. [color=lightblue]"Yup!"[/color] With that the twins headed out their door and made for the square.