"Hey there, boys, how's everybody doing today?" Shemp announced as the elevator opened and every head in the room turned toward them. Someone went for his gun but Shemp just held up his hands and tried to smile disarmingly. "Hey, there, whoa, whoa, whoa, no need for that. You all heard Vlad over the intercom, you all know what's up. If you want to interfere with an official experiment, be my guest." This seemed ti give them pause, so Shemp decided to press his luck. Stepping out of the elevator,gesturing toward the flag that Roxy held, he said, "I've decided, using excellent tactical sense, that this is the best room for our flag. We're not even going to be in here, we're going to be out there." He pointed out the security glass window to the hallway, the single hallway, that led to this station. "Specifically me. I'm going to be right out there, in full view of this lovely window, taking all challengers. You let us do this and you, my friends, will probably be witness to this facilities first ever experiment duke-a-roo. Now doesn't that sound like a good time?" The guy that had gone for his gun slowly took his hand off it and nodded toward the flag. Shemp smile. "I knew you guys were eager for that sort of entertainment. A few of you probably took this job anticipating exactly this. So before we run off, Roxy? Plant that flag right in the middle of the room. If someone make it past me, or beats me silly, you guy can just hand that off as soon as someone knocks. Moneybags, would you find a way to shut this elevator off for a bit and take a looksee at these, what I'm guessing are, security cameras to see what our opponents are up to? After that, we can ring up Vlad, tell him Team A is good to go, and then we will be out of your hair."