[h1][img]http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah281/Q-C0ntinuum/Prince%20of%20Seraphs_zps6qypb9oe.jpg?t=1445046042[/img] Prince of Seraphs[/h1] [h2]Christian Tylers[/h2] When Christian awoke his head was pounding, at first he couldn't quite remember where he had been before waking. Then it came back to him, chasing Sam down to the dump site, feeling uneasy, then a man approached them. Christian could still feel the blood from there attackers eye under his fingernails but it was long since dried. He must have been out for quite some time. Christian tried to move his hands but found not unsurprisingly that they were both handcuffed the the chair he'd been seated on. The same went for his legs though if Christian had to guess those were held by zipties. He inwardly cursed himself for never learning how to pick locks. There had been plenty of kids at his various foster homes that would have taught him for a price. As he shifted his position trying to find a weak point his feet rustled what felt and sounded like plastic sheeting. The sound echoed around the space giving Christian a good idea of how big it was. Sound wouldn't have reflected so clearly if he was in a house or shed or something. He guessed that where ever he was there were no windows and likely only one door. It also sounded disturbingly like concrete, not to mention the fact it smelled rotten and coppery in here, like a slaughterhouse, like blood. The data Christian had collected was painting a very nasty picture, this was the kind of place that the mob usually took people to have them silenced. Christian became aware that someone else was in the room with him shortly after he woke. He doubted it was Sam. If she was here likely she was also tied to a chair and since she hadn't said anything also still unconscious. No, whoever was here was standing, had to be someone different, he could here them pacing and the sound of a digital watch back light being flipped on echoed around the chamber once or twice. Okay that meant, this man didn't simply want them dead otherwise they would already be so, he was waiting for them or maybe it was just Christian in the room, to wake up. The fact that he needed his watch backlight to check the time also meant that this place was dark. That was an advantage for Christian, if he got free the darkness would aid him since he lived in it anyways. The man seemed to realize that Christian had woken and said as much as he walked over to Christian's seat. His cloths made a smooth swish swish sound as he walked. They were made of a fine material, silk, Italian leather, satin or something else expensive, that meant he was likely wearing a suit. That kind of outfit was difficult to fight in which gave another advantage to Christian if of course he could get himself free. Trying to buy time Christian thought it best that he keep this man talking. When the time came that the man in the expensive suit and necktie didn't want to talk anymore it would mean that he'd decided they would be easier to deal with as corpses. "Your colleague should have his eye looked at," he said absent mindedly running his fingers nails covered in blood over the pad of his thumb. "It wasn't looking too good last I knew." The man continued to pace, the echoes of his footfall on the smooth concrete bellow gave Christian and even better sense of the layout of the room though at present he couldn't locate the door. When the man started to speak again it seemed he had finally gotten to the point of why he had had them kidnapped. It seemed the dumpster that Sam had taken a liking too had been some sort of dump site for this man's or more likely organization's burner phones. Just like Sam had said. And the man in the expensive suit seemed to think that they hadn't been there by accident. Christian silently cursed Sam for picking that spot to go dumpster diving. Christian heard a sound like a small object being moved very quickly over a larger one before a louder foom sound struck the air. It was the sound of a match being lit. A small amount of smoke filled the air. It wasn't from a fire being lit but rather some sort of tobacco, it was too strong to be a cigarette and Christian briefly considered a cigar before deciding it was likely a pipe. A cigar would take longer to lit by match that the time elapse between the match lighting and the smoke smell. Christian began to cough, ever since he was little he'd had a very mild form of asthma, it had never been serious enough to warrant getting an inhaler but two things that without fail set off the attacks were breathing sub-zero temperature air and tobacco smoke. When the coughing fit subsided Christian started to breath more shallowly to keep the smoke from getting into his lungs and setting off another fit. The man in the expensive suit wanted to know exactly what Christian and Sam had been doing at the dumpster. Now Christian had three options, he could tell them the truth, that they were just dumpster diving and had chosen the place at random, he could lie say they'd known exactly what would be found in that dumpster and make up a reason why that correlated to Sam and him not being killed or he could bluff and pretend to know who these people were and pretend that he and Sam had some sort of backup coming to find them. Unable to decide between the three in such a small amount of time Christian decided to buy himself another thirty seconds to think of something. "Sam, the girl that was with me, is she in here?"