Kyo tilted his head slightly at the sound of the voice coming from Katherin's tablet. Honestly, he hadn't heard that kind of accent very much in the past. It was curious. [color=A020F0]"Thank you, Miss Winter. I apologize for intruding."[/color] Kyo nodded his head before moving to enter. He knew that neither the last statement nor the nod was really necessary, but both still remained ingrained into him as habits from long ago. [color=9E0508][i]Secrets...Disaster...Defeat...I wonder where the rest could be?[/i][/color] Ah, so it was still there. Nightmare seemed to have a habit of popping in and out of his mind at random, completely inconsiderate of how he felt about it. He supposed it didn't matter that much, though, since he did still have some quiet moments to himself because of it. And at least it wasn't causing as much of a fuss each time it returned lately. Still, he could sense the demon's excitement at seeing its old companions again.