It was me! I was being pm'd! [hider=CS Lucian] Name: Lucian Bonhert Age: 21 Gender: Male Appearance: Lucian has a fair build on his 6'2" body, although you would have a hard time noticing his exact height do to his habit of leaning on things whenever he is not in motion. He is usually well dressed, preferring to wear black slacks, with a button shirt and tie, though the colour of his shirt is known to change oft between purple, blue, red, black and white. His shoes are always polished neatly and give off a shine, similar is his shoulder length brown hair, which gives off its own shine as it is always slicked back. Lucian shaves daily, for clean shave reveals a clean mind, or so he thinks. His eyes are slate blue, and he wears black framed glasses. Personality: He generally could care less about everything that is going on around him, viewing many activities and people as "beneath him" He is especially apathetic towards those who give off the appearance of a big ego, humorously enough, because his is bigger. Generally though he is a nice guy towards everyone else, tries to help out when he can, as much as he can, though he does prefer to not take center stage while doing so, and would rather remain unseen. History: Lucian has had a bumpy past. His parents moves around a lot, as such he never really stayed in one place for very long growing up, so he never really got good at making friends, or rather, he didn't see much point as he knew that they would be forced to move within a year or less. Not that he found many people that he would be willing to make friends with, as he was bullied throughout his childhood do to his childish plump, and his lack of social skills. When his parents finally decided to stay in one place, he found that the bullying got worse. Eventually, they crossed the line while he was in his second year of high school. Finding that he had been tormented enough, he decided to turn the tables, during the summer he got fit and started to eat health, as such, he no longer looked like a prime target, his second part of his plan though was a bit darker. He decided that he would use his intellect to send those bullies a message that they would not forget. He managed to set a park ablaze in flames, and set it up to frame the other kids. With his perfect records, and being a victim all his school life, no one would ever suspect him. It managed to get all the kids separated, and criminal records. Lucian does feel a bit bad about the destruction he caused, but justifies his actions with the notion that they needed to be punished. His life after that went on as a normal student with above average grades, allowing him to get a scholarship to further his education. Level 1 Current EXP: 0 Epic Points: 3 Stats (0/25) STR: 1 VIT: 1 DEX: 2+1 INT: 10+1 WIS: 5 LUK: 6 HP: 14 MP: 26 Talents (0/20 + 3) Acrobatics (DEX): 0 Appraisal (INT): 1 Climbing (STR): 0 Crafting (INT): 4 First Aid (INT): 1 Fisticuffs (DEX): 0 Focus (WIS): 4 Knowledge (INT): 4 Manipulate Device (DEX): 0 Melee Weaponry (DEX): 0 Negotiation (INT): 2 Observation (INT): 4 Projectile Weaponry (DEX): 1 Sleight of Hand (DEX): 0 Stealth (DEX): 2 Thrown Weapons (DEX): 0 Skills The Gamer (MAX LV) You possess the Mind of a Gamer. +1 INT, +1 DEX. Immune to all Psychological Affects. Able to analyze things in the same way a gamer could. Game Character's Body (MAX LV) You possess a body that lets you live like a Game Character in the real world. Inventory Empty Money: 5,000 ¥ [/hider] Huh... my guy is the luckiest one thus far?