While the others ate, Autumn seemed to be having a whispered conversation with herself. Mary's taunts had finally gotten under her skin. [color=gold]"Shut up Mary! You're the reason were here in the first place!"[/color] Autumn said, a little louder than she would have liked. [color=red][i]She was hurting us! What would you have had me do?![/i][/color] Mary shouted from inside her head. Autumn's mouth opened again but she was unable to form a response. Instead, she felt tears well up in her eyes at the memory of her mother lying there, colored red. When Autumn had fist snapped out of it, she had cried for her mommy to wake up but she just wouldn't. Then the men came and took her away before she could get her mom to wake up. The child buried her face into the top of Sebastian's head, hugging the stuffed rabbit to her tightly as the tears leaked out.