[b]Draconic Studios Q1 Winter, 1990 HQs: Atlanta, Georgia (US/CA) $7,700,000[/b] (A letter arrives at Video Gadgeteer's headquarters) Mr. Zehn, I am glad that we met in person and our exchanging of ideas. There is one thing I forgot to ask of you, though. I wish to purchase a development kit for the GamePocket, how much will it cost? [i]From, Alexander Chaser, CEO & Head Developer of Draconic Studios[/i] (A letter arrives at Dark Solar Studios') Dark Solar Studios, I wish to say hello on behalf of Draconic Studios, you may have heard of our mission; to bring Eastern Culture to the West. Either way, I hope that sometime in the future we can do business with each other, may both of our companies propsper! [i]From, Alexander Chaser, CEO & Head Developer of Draconic Studios[/i]