"I have way too much food as it is, so you can have your fill, CC." Morgan watched the animal scarf down the meat in between rushed breaths, and smirked ever so slightly. Dogs did always amuse her, but for some reason, she never even thought of getting one. She went to the fridge and pulled out a pitcher of freshly-squeezed orange juice and poured a large glass. "Jeez, you animals really do like fresh meat. It's like you shifted personalities on me or something. Whatever. I'll shut up." Morgan mumbled, slowly sipping on her bright, citrus-odored liquid. She reached a hand up and ran a thumb over her pendant, smoothing over it ever so lightly. It was engraved, but she had no idea what it meant. It was pretty, though. Subtle, yet it radiated quality. "Lucky break, I guess. I don't even have any other jewelry, so this'll have to do." Morgan mumbled, staring intently at the dangling emblem. She chuckled to herself, "Strange day. This ought to be interesting."