Wake up in the morning, gotta get down with the usual routines its like having a Kung Fu hustle yet it is a hassle because of most inferior beings, today is the day, first day as a Genin. I wouldn't count on it if my people are a bunch of rice bags that will get in my way. Move fast like lightning and never avert like the wind, my name is Raima Ikazuchi and riding the lightning is the way to reach to the top. As I jumped from houses to houses, and tree to tree, through and through I made it just fine to the academy. I repeat to myself, today is the day, today is the day, today is the day. Today is that day. I will make sure that I show them who is best. Not so much a new record, 22 minutes really? Extravagant entrance is always best. I punched the door wide open with my lightning fist. I grinned, [color=00aeef]"Sup guys. The Demon Kunoichi here! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" [/color]