Mitsuki had been strolling along calmly. She greeted others but made it clear she couldn't stop. She'd taken a moment to pick up some papers the final team assignments. It had been tasked to her as she had the least to do. "No problem. I'll do it. Leave it to the woman." She grumbled using her sex as a sort of excuse. Of course the didn't matter. She was just lazy. Regardless she made it to the room and grin. "Morning all!" She wave and immediately approached the other Jonin. Was she the last one? No. There was a genin missing if her math was correct. Guess she'd have to wait. "Oh, Jerin, Netsu. Here." She said handing them the papers describing who'd be assigned to each of them. ------------------------------------- Nagato had been running for a bit. He'd likely have gotten to the academy already, but along the way he'd continuously stopped to greet and help various people with quick little takes. However, it was all just about done. Hopefully he wouldn't be the last to arrive. No... No way... He couldn't be LAST right? No way..." As he walked down the hall and entered the room he couldn't help but facepalm. His kindness towards his fellow villagers had caused him to be late. The last one. Why the hell not?! He sighed. "N-Nagato Uzuma... AH!" He stopped short and shouted pointing out Jerin. "What are you doing here?!" He question his uncle. What kind of cruel joke... No... He couldn't be Nagato's Jonin. There was just no way. Mitsuki nodded and wave. "Hurry hurry." She said causing Nagato to stop, his face turning slightly red with embarrassment. "R-right..." He said before taking a breath. "Nagato Uzumaki, reporting in." He said as he made his way to take a seat. "Good. Now we'll begin by announcing who we are and then all of you can follow our lead." She said hoping Jerin and Netsu wouldn't mind her moving things along at the moment. " Repeat your names, and give us a little info. Anything simple or interesting should be fine." She said before looking at her paper. "I'm Mitsuki Nara. The three genin I'll be leading and teaching are as follows. Akira Firumu, Raima Ikazuchi, and Genji Ryzhao." With that she looked over at Netsu and Jerin. It was one of their turns. Nagato was paying close attention. That was one Jonin down. He had to be on the next one's team. Other wise he'd be stuck on the team of his uncle. There was no way right? Right?!