Name: Rammus Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: [img][/img] Country: Eve Background: Rammus is a person who is from Eve. He spends most of his life hunting wild animals and living in the village. He's quite a decent archer, and is quite a big eater too, despite his appearance. He's usually talks in a casual & gentle manner, as if nothing's bothering on him. His mother was killed during the war by Kantle Soldiers, which leaves his father to take care of him alone. It wasn't an easy task though, and his father eventually collapsed in exhaustation & illness. One side of him wanted to live in peace, away from the war and everything. The other side of him wanted revenge, and kill the King of Kantle who started everything in the first place. From the war itself, Rammus can understand a bit of Kantle speech, though he can't speak it, only knowing how to make simple responses like "Yes/No", "Ok/Cannot" and "F*** you". Its a matter of time for him now, whether or not he makes the decision of peace or revenge...