Jade calmly packed and shouldered her bags, leading a parade of excited pokemon up to the deck. Just as she stepped outside, the ship pulled up to the dock and began allowing people to disembark, a content sigh escaping the Ranger's lungs. "Finally, I was beginning to think we'd never get off this thing." Her comment earned a couple of chuckles from her followers, the three Dragon-types (or future type in Mia's case) keeping close to the heels of their trainer. Each step that brought Jade closer to solid land widened the smile on her face, the girl beaming with joy by the time she stepped onto the path. Stepping aside, Jade withdrew her final pokeball, clicking the button to release her closest friend. The bright light grew to a massive size, a Charizard emerging with a more than intimidating roar. "Oh I'm sorry buddy. Did I wake you from a nap? I thought you might like to stretch your legs now that we're here." Leo shot her an annoyed look that lasted no longer than a few seconds before nudging his human fondly. "Well come on. Let's go exploring a bit." The three smaller pokemon climbed onto the Charizard's back beside Jade, who inched her way up to get a better view of her surroundings. "Where to start..." She chewed her lip in thought, surveying the town before her for anything that caught her eye.